Recent content by Σοφία

  1. Σοφία

    Happy Birthday Gus!

    NO WAY virgo's are life.
  2. Σοφία

    I like technology ...

  3. Σοφία

    Own Pictures

    ... |:
  4. Σοφία

    Pics of the band at Bloodstock Festival

    ooh he is the new singer OOOH :D amazing thanks
  5. Σοφία

    Own Pictures

    EEEEEEeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww :Smug:
  6. Σοφία

    Interview with Gus

    OOoooooooh :)
  7. Σοφία

    Happy Birthday Gus!

    owww this is a bit late but xronia pola gus anyway hes the same star sign as me im so proud =D
  8. Σοφία

    Worst Firewind Interview Ever?

  9. Σοφία

    So summer for firewind:

    Hi everyone! Another summer is gone and looking back now, I can say that we had a blast going out and playing select festivals and gigs as well as meeting as many of you as possible. If you caught one of our shows this summer – thanx so much for coming and for your support! Also thanx...
  10. Σοφία

    Gus has myspace finally.

    nono sorry that was in athens
  11. Σοφία

    Own Pictures

    i know this has nothing to do with how i look but i think these greek flowers are pwetty ^^
  12. Σοφία

    Firewind Videos

    yeah i love that video. but i think breaking the silence by far is the best (more apollo) but i also love falling to pieces (more gus) :D
  13. Σοφία

    Firewind returning to Spain...

    omg i wanna goooo
  14. Σοφία

    Gus has myspace finally.

    lol druggy. omg i swear to god i saw a gus g look-a-like today!!! it freaked me out i thought it was him haha he looks the fucking same!