Recent content by ABQShredHead

  1. ABQShredHead

    Support Jason Rullo Project Trio

    An all-Albuquerque band. Nice! I'll keep an eye out...
  2. ABQShredHead

    2016 Albums Thread

    I've been diggin' on the Sunburst CD. I first thought Roy Khan had a new band. Good stuff!
  3. ABQShredHead

    Jason Rullo, Master Drummer and Master Chef

    My daughter and his kids were at the same Tae Kwan Do place for awhile.
  4. ABQShredHead

    2016 Albums Thread

  5. ABQShredHead

    2015 Symphony X Album News

    Frickin' EZO. Right on. I remember that one... Metal today needs more hair.
  6. ABQShredHead

    Album of the Year, 2014

    I wasn't even aware of most of these. I guess I have some work to do... Joe Bonamassa album was a bit of a disappointment.
  7. ABQShredHead

    Whats your favorite Symphony X album?

    I thought about voting Iconoclast just to rustle Ken; but, honesty overruled and I went with V. Disc 2 of the live CD wasn't an option...
  8. ABQShredHead

    The Best Progressive Metal Bands

    I'm glad to see y'all could come to an agreement on that. For me, I use those keys with arrows on them. They help me skip over stuff I don't like or don't want to hear. :lol:
  9. ABQShredHead

    Now Playing

    Bloody hell conference call.
  10. ABQShredHead

    If you were Symphony X's advisor...

    You guys are the musicians, do what you want to do.
  11. ABQShredHead

    The Annual Best of the Year Thread - 2013

    Symphony X - Les Miserables Wait, wut?
  12. ABQShredHead

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    These two posts make me fall out of my chair. Frickin' Ken bringing on the lulz. Lost interest at the 2:19 mark and started playing Golf Star on my phone. Kept the music on in the background though and had a Perfect Shot off my first tee. Perhaps it's good concentration music? Probably...
  13. ABQShredHead

    Announce a fucking update right now

    Watch out! Angry Canadian spotted... :lol:
  14. ABQShredHead

    It´s too bad...

    Maybe they're just not social media types. Shoot, when I was a kid, the only time you'd get to talk to a band member was if you could find your way backstage. Since I don't have the legs or ass for it, I never got to talk to any of my favorite musicians. Greg Howe at a music store and Lita...
  15. ABQShredHead

    Best Non Metal Release of 2013

    Swedish psychprogrock? Isn't that, like, ABBA? :lol: