Recent content by AlexDiGuardo

  1. AlexDiGuardo

    Guitar Tone Definer VST

    Has anyone ever built a VST using Flowstone? With a bit of help and patience I managed to build a single knob vst which applies a subtractive EQ curve to polish guitars. Downside is this software runs on Windows so I can only create the DLL file, not compatible with Mac :(
  2. AlexDiGuardo

    Looking to mix, or practice mixing?

    Welcome Lucas! Check these stems out, I've had so much fun mixing this song and learnt few things as well in the process
  3. AlexDiGuardo

    Stems Mix - UnderOath - Writing on the walls

    Hi everyone, I'm about to start a new project after intensively testing some drum samples and guitar tones. I'm quite satisfied with the results to be honest: Dropbox link Feel...
  4. AlexDiGuardo

    Guitar tones: So hard to commit to one!

    For me it's very hard to switch to a different tone. I always try different options/amp sims/impulse responses etc but i always endup going back to my original tone as it sits so well in any mix.
  5. AlexDiGuardo

    Rate this mix-(December Everyday-For The Fallen Dreams)

    Did you use Emissary as amp sim?
  6. AlexDiGuardo

    Check out my new Studio Production and Mixing Blog!

    Looks good man. Saved it in my bookmarks!
  7. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal Mixing & Mastering video tutorial

    true, limiter + a bit of compression, overall EQ and exciter. It's a short way of achieving all these results with one simple plug in. Having said it's a basic tutorial I guess this would be addressed to all those people who do it as a hobby like me, not in a professional environment. Of...
  8. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal Mixing & Mastering video tutorial

    Hi guys, This is my first attempt of making a video tutorial on how I do mixing and mastering for Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal. It's very basic, doesn't go deep in details but feel free to ask questions. Thanks - Alex
  9. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal Mixing & Mastering video tutorial

    Hi guys, This is my first attempt of making a video tutorial on how I do mixing and mastering for Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal. It's very basic, doesn't go deep in details but feel free to ask questions. Thanks - Alex
  10. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal Mixing & Mastering video tutorial

    maybe not the best, but it does the job as you can hear
  11. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal Mixing & Mastering video tutorial

    Hi guys, This is my first attempt of making a video tutorial on how I do mixing and mastering for Post-Hardcore / Modern Metal. It's very basic, doesn't go deep in details but feel free to ask questions. Thanks - Alex
  12. AlexDiGuardo

    Northlane - Mix from stems

    Hi, a bit late but here is my attempt enjoy!
  13. AlexDiGuardo

    Post Hardcore/Metalcore Mix

    To give it an even more "human" touch, I recorded the snare using 3 different velocities: Snare heavy (vel. 70-127) Snare medium (vel. 40-69) Snare soft (vel.1-39) The rest of the kit is recorded with a heavy touch (5 hits for each part of the kit) All the specs are in my other video...
  14. AlexDiGuardo

    Post Hardcore/Metalcore Mix

    well done, the guitars sound very beefy! Steven Slate samples are always a good shout for the drums. Check these drum samples of mine if you'll ever consider to use something different
  15. AlexDiGuardo

    Post-Hardcore - Trouble making it "punch"

    I think you're going in the right direction though. If you'll ever consider using again Guitar Rig for the guitars, here is a clip showing a decent preset i made: