Recent content by Bleakest Harvest

  1. Bleakest Harvest

    Best Albums of 2009 (so far)

    Top 5 so far: Mastodon Anaal Nathrakh Madder Mortem Devin Townsend Project Isis This is likely to change though, there's still a lot of seriously good stuff on the way, such as Porcupine Tree, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Katatonia, Smashing Pumpkins, and lots of other stuff i'm likely to love...
  2. Bleakest Harvest

    How do you listen to your music.

    On my mp3 player to and from work, travelling anywhere or in the gym. Then at home home it's either on the pc or my vinyls.
  3. Bleakest Harvest

    Mastodon - Crack the Skye

    Well it's not like I was listening to it for a month and thinking it was shit - more like I was enjoying it but it wasn't bowling me over. It has now bowled me over. Comprende?
  4. Bleakest Harvest

    Mastodon - Crack the Skye

    An absolute beaut of an album, totally mesmerizing. It's completely different to Leviathan, which had been my favourite, so must be judged in a different way. It isn't the all out riff-fest that was; it's much more subtle and nuanced. The songwriting is so good though - the whole thing just...
  5. Bleakest Harvest

    Devin Townsend - Ki

    It has a nice atmosphere alright, and I think it'll take a few listens to properly sink in. A couple of the songs do sound kinda samey though, and tend to just repeat several sections over in quite a noticeable way. Btw, I much prefer this to Ziltoid, which I just couldn't stand. Dev is much...
  6. Bleakest Harvest

    Isis - Wavering Radiant

    They sure are, this will definitely be in my top 10 of 09. Much prefer it to ITAOT, which I never liked much, and is almost challenging Panopticon as my favourite Isis album. Great stuff. Can't wait to receive the vinyl edition which i've preordered.
  7. Bleakest Harvest

    Opeth - 6xLP hand numbered wooden box

    Haha, well fear not my fellow Irishman, for my box arrived at my office this morning! ;)
  8. Bleakest Harvest

    Opeth - 6xLP hand numbered wooden box

    I almost wish they weren't updating us with this kind of stuff...makes it seem like this whole experience has been a litany of delays and problems. Remember how it was supposed to be done on February 5th? And now it's nearly April.... ...still, good things come to those who wait I suppose. :heh:
  9. Bleakest Harvest

    The Wandering Midget - The Serpent Coven

    The Wandering Midget - The Serpent Coven Eyes Like Snow/Northern Silence - EYE006 - By Paddy Walsh With a sizeable void left by the regrettable demise of Reverend Bizarre last year, a slew of pretenders appear to be emerging, each intent on carrying the epic torch carried for so long by the...
  10. Bleakest Harvest

    The Amenta - Non

    The Amenta - Non Listenable Records - POSH108 - 20 October 2008 By Paddy Walsh These Australian industrial extremists caused a minor stir back in 2004 with The Occasus, which was a great stab at cold, clinical blackened metal with an industrial overcoat. Non builds on that success, and what's...
  11. Bleakest Harvest

    Opeth - 6xLP hand numbered wooden box

    The finished product truly looks beautiful, can't wait for it to arrive!
  12. Bleakest Harvest

    Opeth - 6xLP hand numbered wooden box

    Just paid for mine, 111 to Ireland! They're due to be shipped between 6th-20th March apparently. Also, I enquired about the Immortal box (for anyone who might have reserved that too) and she said it'll be ready in the next few weeks. Sweet!
  13. Bleakest Harvest

    Devin Townsend - Ki

    Anyone have any clue as to when this will be coming out? Very anxious for a new DT album!
  14. Bleakest Harvest

    5 most important metal bands for the global metal scene in the last 15 years.

    Haha absolutely not, neither of have released anything even remotely influential in the past 15 years.