Recent content by Blodsörn

  1. B

    Once sent from the golden hall, vinyl?

    I've been searching so fucking hard for the first AA album on vinyl. Now I'm not even shure if it exists a vinyl version. ...Does it?
  2. B

    2000 Decibel forum-meeting

    Yeah the gig where gret! The best songs was defenitly "till fjälls" and "ödemarkens son". And it's nice to have mine hedniskhjärtad mcd signed by you all in the band! -Vi skola handkraftas och dräpa Himmelrikets svaglynta gesäll
  3. B

    The Kristet Utseende

    gcele: Hehe jo. Det vore något.
  4. B

    The Kristet Utseende

    I have heard them severel times. A friend of mine is crazy about them, trying to do everything that they are singing about... Narcotic gay metal!
  5. B

    Everyone that's coming to 2000 Decibel

    I'll be there. And perhaps a couple of freinds to...
  6. B

    Your CD collection?

    I prefer to collect vinyls instead... I only by a cd if I really what it and it's not made on vinyl... Anyone else who prefer vinyls?
  7. B

    Videos And Live Album

    release a video on VHS instead in that case... not much för DVD's. I'm on. A whole video or just a music-video would be nice!
  8. B

    Viking pics?

    Other viking related bands worth listening to: Kampfar (as they say above), Mithotyn (of course), Wyrd, Enslaved, Windir, thyrfing (as you said yourself), Falkenbach, Månegarm... and so on... Ther is so many great bands in this genre... Try some of these
  9. B

    Make a killer tour lineup

    AMON AMARTH THYRFING ENSLAVED IMMORTAL WINDIR TAAKE and mayby some more... like MARDUK or something ...
  10. B

    Are you looking forward to a concert?

    Yes I look forward to a few concerts actually: the festival called "2000 Decibel" in Bengtsfors, Sweden the 17th May when Amon Amarth will play, and Vintersorg also... Then I look forward to Vomitory, Vader and Finntroll at "Motala metal Festival" in April... cheers!
  11. B

    Playlist for the upcoming NA tour.

    "FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR OPPINIONS, WHAT HAVE WE MISSED?" by bloodshed Allt the songs are great, but one more should fit - FRIENDS OF THE SUNCROSS But it's not a big deal, everything that you guys have made is good anyway, play wathever you want!
  12. B

    Your Amon Amarth collection?

    I remember that there was a thread like this in the old forum. I liked it, it was kind of fun to read what everyone had. So what do you got? I'm just interested in records, like cd's lp's pic disc's, tapes and so on ... Mine: Amon Amarth "Sorrow throughout the nine worlds" pic lp Amon...
  13. B

    2000 Decibel

    I'm going! Won't miss it for anything in the world... I think. And then drink a hell of beerbottles!!!