Recent content by D.Ingram

  1. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Only got worse, sadly. Going blind in my left eye as a result. Booked in with neurology to figure out what'sgoing on, but basically they reckon it's stress/trauma related. I've honestly stopped giving a fuck about my wellbeing at this point anyway.
  2. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Hate: Missus left me, been having seizures suddenly. Off to hospital today :/
  3. D.Ingram

    Mandatory Now Playing

    Toby Fox - Death by Glamour
  4. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Saying I'm "okay" is stretching things, but I'm not dead yet, so that's a start. Love you Podge, hope you're managing
  5. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Mask of the Phantasm is arguably the best Batman movie ever made. I'm jealous.
  6. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    I should really get around to watching Cowboy Bebop properly. Saw a few episodes at a friend's place years back and never delved deeper. I was recently sat down to watch the first season of My Hero Academia, though. Wasn't expecting to enjoy it given the typical 'anime schoolboy' aesthetic, but...
  7. D.Ingram


    Stop lying, Ol.
  8. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Love: This happened on Sunday night.
  9. D.Ingram

    Recent Purchases

    A lot of drugs
  10. D.Ingram

    Mandatory Now Playing

    Footprints in the Custard - Blue Waffle
  11. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Love: Album's out.
  12. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Fuck, mate.... :( Love: Album's done. Hate: Anxiety, depression
  13. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Love: Nefasturris recording wraps up in 3 or 4 days. Should be out digitally by the very end of next week. Rehearsals have gone spectacularly, though Fox can't play the festival now due to other commitments. Went for a house viewing and some job interviews in Birmingham yesterday and pretty much...
  14. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Mate, my situation has been a bit similar. A girl I've known for years. We fell madly fucking in love, but because she's in Birmingham... a week before I went to see her for my birthday, she met some other dude and she had to see where it went. It tore my fucking world apart. She isn't with...
  15. D.Ingram

    (New) Love/Hate Thread

    Happy belated, mate