Recent content by DarriOakenhawk44

  1. DarriOakenhawk44

    Good Bye My Friend

    \w/! The fire still burns, when you were gone Life in the North goes on without you My fire will burn, with you or not My passion will overcome \w/!
  2. DarriOakenhawk44

    6 years

    Greetings all, I hope each and every last one of you are getting by... I don't nearly come on here nearly as much as I use too, just isn't the same for me... Good on you for keeping the flame alive Matt, made me smile on a rather bleak day.... Thanks for that. \w/! All the best to all going...
  3. DarriOakenhawk44

    Turn your eyes (and ears) north...

    Miltbrand! Good to hear from you man! I hardly ever post on here anymore but I still look around and check in with your ever growing music collection hahaha! As for Iceland... Yeah great music brewing for sure I will share a few others... Carpe Noctem, Dysthymia, Fortíð, and Kontinuum are all...
  4. DarriOakenhawk44

    Pursuit Of The Sun & Allure Of The Earth... Pre-order !

    Just made my order... This one is for you brother... \w/!
  5. DarriOakenhawk44

    Pursuit Of The Sun & Allure Of The Earth... Pre-order !

    Unfortunately they are not. Truthfully the more I think about it, I'm kinda disappointed of these re-releases. For this reason, as well as the images on the vinyl look very stretched, like you can see the pixel bleeding and such. I will still be buying, but only to keep David's legacy alive.
  6. DarriOakenhawk44

    Pursuit Of The Sun & Allure Of The Earth... Pre-order !

    Was going to post this myself, but after my Woods III topic for the most part went unanswered I figured this place to was kinda dead now. Good to "see" you again The Black Death, and phantomfreak.
  7. DarriOakenhawk44

    Woods III: Re-release has arrived!

    Figured I'd better share a picture of the lot as well...
  8. DarriOakenhawk44

    Woods III: Re-release has arrived!

    Hey all! Been awhile since I've been around this neck of the woods. How is everyone on the Woodsfront doing? As the title says my Woods III re-release package arrived today, and do they ever look, and sound awesome! (Pulled the trigger on all the vinyls, The CD, T-shirt, and Woods V...
  9. DarriOakenhawk44

    Anyone Pre-Ordered the new WoodsIII merch?

    Got my order today. One of everything! Thinking of you more so then ever today Dave! This one is for you \w/!
  10. DarriOakenhawk44

    Now playing thread

    Hey! Look, it's one of my videos! ^ Hahaha, thanks for the support man! \w/!
  11. DarriOakenhawk44


    Hey all. (I just posted this on facebook, figured I'd post it here as well) Just figured I'd share the video I did for View of a Million Trees, and also for those who missed it I also did a video for Black Sky, nearly a year ago...where has the time gone... Any feedback, would be great! Thanks...
  12. DarriOakenhawk44

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    No worries man! David was a very close friend of mine, as is the family, its the lest I can do, to keep Davids legacy alive. \w/!
  13. DarriOakenhawk44

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    no worries man! \w/!
  14. DarriOakenhawk44

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    I've got another one coming soon as well, this time a pro shot one! I will post a link once its online! (...Hopefully, CTV or the Juno's don't come after me!)