Recent content by David Mustardaine

  1. D

    What is this song?!

    My pleasure! Listen to the whole album, it's got a similar vibe, you will enjoy it throughout. I destroyed that CD from playing it so much back when it came out.
  2. D

    What is this song?!

    I'm pretty sure it's a song from the album Swansong by Carcass, although I don't have the time to check now. Have a listen to the whole album, it's a fun one. If it's not in Swansong, it's in Heartwork, but quite sure it's in Swansong.
  3. D

    Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

    Oh ok. That's understandable with the younger generations I guess, but older people like us who are used to long form posting, you can't really go back and forth on social media the way you do on a forum. How are these forums veterans adapting to the shallowness of facebook? I couldn't. There...
  4. D

    Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

    Hopefully I'm not being rude asking what happened to the forum? I was never a member, but used to lurk quite a bit on here 8-10 years ago. Did the forum just lose steam? Or did something happen?