Recent content by felipe-x

  1. F

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    New midi controller My new schecter jeff loomis 7fr finally!!!!! :D + rack guitar is also new [/URL] 2nd screen 24 inch monitor :) [/URL] my new recording interface : firestudio project [/URL] Bought some Auralex Foam , and Mopad for my monitors also:) [/URL] Coming Soon: Custom...
  2. F

    need help/favor to upgrade studio - US people only :)

    Hey guys!... i now this may sound stupid-ridiculously-kind of :Spam: request to be honest(i know we all hate spam).guh: but im saving some $ to upgrade my studio this year. and i have not make some $ in some time(not to many clients here). is their ANY chance that you could help me out by...
  3. F

    Samsung rf511 S09 CI7 - for mixing?

    Hey im not buying it on ebay... actually already bought it! :) in chile is a little cheaper than that... this model is a pretty "hot" item right now. its funny couse i coudnt find this model on any USA website... i mean all of the versions like rf511 and rf712 its almost out in USA for...
  4. F

    Samsung rf511 S09 CI7 - for mixing?

    Hey guys... im a about to buy this nice looking samsung notebook.. specs okay ill be honest... is for gaming and mixing :grin: i have desktop computer for real mixing.. whats your thought? right now i am using a Asus g51vx with nvidia gtx260M dedicated 1gb this samsung i will buy is a intel...
  5. F

    Who said a Marshall JCM800 can't be this brutal

    that was she said... lol
  6. F

    SSD 4 + Superior drummer + peavey 6505+ Chilean Metalcore Mix

    I did it as well... did you find anything i shoud know?
  7. F

    SSD 4 + Superior drummer + peavey 6505+ Chilean Metalcore Mix

    Hey guys.. just finished the mixing process for this band ... looking for some input! :) i did the production , recording , mixing/mastering... Drums: Steven slate drums 4.0 + Superior drummer Guitars: Peavey 6505+ with sm57 Vocals: At3035 Bass: Line sound+ sansamp plugin here is the full...
  8. F

    Things said way too often in the studio, I'll start.

    "Finally we are done, will you tune the vocals later please?" "We changed the members of the band again this week" "we need to find a dj to do the drum n bass part of the song"(they never find it) "can you duplicate that arm track 10 times , please?" come on.. learn how to sing first i get...
  9. F

    Anyone wanna give this a whirl? Cuz i've thrown in the towel...

    its a big NO for those guitars dude... thats my honest review.
  10. F

    Rate my 6505+ tone please

    I have never used a bugera to be honest so i would not know about that.. but i can post the settings i used for you during the day ;)
  11. F

    Modern Rock mix. Nickelbackish type song

    holy shit, sounds incredible! have more songs or facebook? sounds like produced by nickelback amazing! :worship: ps: any chance of sharing that snare sample?
  12. F

    Rate my 6505+ tone please

    Hey guys, im tracking this new metalcore band using my peavey 6505+, and SSD4.. This is far away from mixe'd by the way.. i think i really like the tone i got from the peavey! its a raw mix and guitars are not eq'ed also :) what you think ?
  13. F

    Mike Portnoy's new band...

  14. F

    Mike Portnoy's new band...

    who is Mike Portnoy?
  15. F

    Looking For Engineers

    why bother guys? this noob's never get back to answer... this is not the first time i see this year "im looking for mixer ingeneer"