Recent content by godisatheist

  1. G website for sale !!! is a metal search engine and directory listing metal bands, labels, tourdates, magazines and releases. Currently there are: 32056 bands 1011 labels 3752 locations 106264 releases 135 tourdates The website is now for sale incl. domains, database and scripts. It is offered on ebay...
  2. G

    Outstanding death metal

    I would go with this 3: Monstrosity - In Dark Purity Death - Symbolic Necrophagist - Epitaph
  3. G

    Need the cover of Helping the world to see

    Hi, could you perhaps send me the cover artwork of "Helping The World To See" in original resolution? I want to print a DINA0 poster for my wall, cause it's the greatest artwork I have ever seen !! Cheers Andreas
  4. G

    Outstanding death metal

    So trust you and buy it blind? Ok, haha... :)
  5. G

    Outstanding death metal

    Necrovation, they don't have a myspace or something?
  6. G

    Outstanding death metal

    Hey May / June?? Hell, that's amazing! Do you know what label will carry it?
  7. G

    Outstanding death metal

    So I hope soon, Asphyx is still one of my absolute faves in old school death metal, together with Autopsy of course!
  8. G

    Outstanding death metal

    Hey, you're fast :) I saw Dead Congregation in Berlin together with Asphyx. For me the best show of the last year! By the way, do you know if there will be a new Asphyx cd soon? I've read they recorded at least a single. Yes, I should get the last Dead Congregation cd, haven't listened it...
  9. G

    Outstanding death metal

    Hi, what are the most outstanding Death Metal cds for you of the last 3 months or the near future? For me there is only Obscura - Cosmogenesis, I would rate it with 80-90%. But I haven't listened to a 100% killer since long time (like Necrophagist - Epitaph or Death - Symbolic) Cheers Andreas
  10. G

    Metalseek - new version online

    Ok, thanks for your reply, I will care about this. We will have a cooperation with another website in Poland soon, so probably get more tourdates for Eastern Europe.
  11. G

    Metalseek - bannerchange

    To promote our site are going to offer some bannerchanges. So if you have a cool looking banner for your band/label/mag/festival, we can place it just on top of all our pages. Of course we would want you to place our banner on your site in a good position as well ;) The best offers will win ...
  12. G

    Metalseek - new version online

    Hi, yesterday we got again a new version of metalseek online. Check it out, let me know what you think... For those who don't know the site yet: Metalseek is search engine for the metalscene with a profile page for each entry. We also have a very complete concert guide, probably one of the...
  13. G

    Metalseek - new version

    Hm, perhaps I will do it. Could you post a sample feed with one or two tourdates or releases, how you want to have it?
  14. G

    Metalseek - new version

    I prefer they visit my site. Hehe...
  15. G

    Metalseek - new version

    :Smokin::Smokin: Your hair looks magnetic...iron colored?