Recent content by HipnikDragomir

  1. HipnikDragomir

    I made a subreddit for the band

    I dunno if it's okay to post this here, but for convenience's sake, I made a forum on Reddit to continue/start a community for them there. Cheers.
  2. HipnikDragomir

    It's official! new album coming this year!

    So good. So happy. I hope this is the beginning of a full revival and being productive.
  3. HipnikDragomir

    Shallow Life is a sell-out

    So much narrow-minded negativity in this thread. To anyone still reading, the arabic influences were on Cristina's singing which she already did on other albums. I do believe it's their weakest next to Unleashed Mammaries, but calling it sell-out shit aint doing it
  4. HipnikDragomir

    Broken Crown Halo + tour

    Riiiiiise, forum! Any of yous guyses pick up the album and/or see them this tour? I went to the release show yesterday and picked it up. Haven't listened to it yet. The new songs they played seemed fine. Fuck, I love seeing them live. They put on great shows. This was the third time after...
  5. HipnikDragomir

    So is it over?

    As much of a bummer as it is if they stopped with Novembre, I hope they at least continue with other groups like they have been doing. They're truly talented musicians. If they had that damn tour with Paradise Lost, they'd be swimming in success
  6. HipnikDragomir

    Le Jardin des Mèmories offer you some Novembre vibes

    Not bad. The clean vocals need some work, though. More feeling and projection.
  7. HipnikDragomir

    Forum must not Die

    I really hope they'll come out with a new album soon :(((((((
  8. HipnikDragomir

    Dave Mustaine tells off drunken sailor at show, then thanks him for his service

    Interesting story. Obviously, at this stage, Dave is fully set with whatever it is he's writing, so his reaction is to be expected. Besides, he didn't tell him off, exactly, just let him know what's what. The fact that Davey actually responded to this random fan's e-mail is pretty cool, though...
  9. HipnikDragomir


    Not actually playing, but it popped into my head and is on repeat.
  10. HipnikDragomir

    Italian Pop Music

    Oh, yea, and it's hella better than the cheap, factory-processed shit on american radio. While listening to an Italian radio station on iTunes, I stumbled on Annalisa Scarrone, and her music is really good. I made a playlist on Youtube of her first album and I'm listening to it right now. I am...
  11. HipnikDragomir

    Post your hauls here

    Just got this today. Pretty good. Nothing absurd and super catchy like the last two ("To Be The Best" is close), though. :Spin: Also, I ould've gone to see them a couple hours ago, but it was 50 dolla just for them. That's too expensive for a college kid like me :(
  12. HipnikDragomir

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    She was with a bunch of loud nerdy friends, so that would've been impossible. Whelp, we had a full semester in the same class. If she was interested, she would've (might've) done something. Ah, well. :bah:
  13. HipnikDragomir

    Dark Adrenaline + Tour

    Oh, come on. 400 views and not one person has anything to say? :err:
  14. HipnikDragomir

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Add their albums to a playlist on Youtube and just listen to them through that. Well, there's a female that I like sitting behind me in our school's cafeteria buuuuut it's kinda awkward what the deal is between us due to a lack of knowledge of what she thinks of me, so I'm just sitting here...
  15. HipnikDragomir


    At first, I was like :) But then, I :kickass: 8/10