Recent content by Holland

  1. Holland

    Band Members section on

    I was going through the bandmembers-section of, when I noticed that there still is nothing about Gary to be found there. Why is that? I mean, he's with the band for about a year now.
  2. Holland

    NOVEMBERS DOOM Parts Ways With Drummer, Seeks Replacement -

    Hey, congrats with Garry, the new drummer! Hope he'll be sticking around.
  3. Holland

    The Novembers Doom Podcast

    Hope you do, cause I really like the Doomcasts.
  4. Holland

    Larry's pole - oops - poll on new ND products

    Thanks. Email sent to both additional emailaddresses. [Edit] Email to the last emailaddress returned, reading: Comcast block for spam. I guess you should have received the mail on the first emailaddress.
  5. Holland

    Larry's pole - oops - poll on new ND products

    Yesterday I sent an email with a suggestion to the emailaddress for the podcast. Today I got an email back: Mail delivery failed. The message stated: recipient rejected. Is that because I did something wrong?
  6. Holland

    How Did you Descover Daylight Dies?

    Same way as Godhead's_Lament. Got to know some great bands that way.
  7. Holland

    The Novembers Doom Podcast

    Just listened to podcast nr. 19 on black pete. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. :grin: As for black pete (or Zwarte Piet as we call him): I cannot explain his story better than Wikipedia does on their website. You guys said you would like a movie made on his character...
  8. Holland

    APHOTIC Merch now available!

    Cool! I just ordered one of the new logo-shirts.
  9. Holland

    Novembers Doom Android App

    Cool! Hope you'll keep us posted.
  10. Holland

    Novembers Doom Android App

    Hi guys! On your site you guys have a link to an app for iPhone, iPod. Do you have plans to make something similar for Android-based phones?
  11. Holland

    APHOTIC - May 10th

    As I suspected, Aphotic wasn't available in the recordstore yet. Grmph...
  12. Holland

    Video - "What Could Have Been"

    I'll post the video on an other forum I post on later on. Although the forum is not about music, I think posters there will appreciate it. Nice to hear Anneke. I already was a fan of her when she still was in The Gathering. She still amazes me with her voice.
  13. Holland

    APHOTIC - May 10th

    Hope to get Aphotic tomorrow. Not to sure my local recordstore will have it, but I'm going there anyway. Greetings from The Netherlands!