Recent content by iarebrandon

  1. iarebrandon

    I will mix and master your song for $5.

    Check out my gig here: Heres some more samples: Up Your Eyes_Sample.wav Divine Tragedy/Scream.mp3...
  2. iarebrandon

    I will mix and master your song for $5.

    Check out my gig here: Heres some more samples: Up Your Eyes_Sample.wav Divine Tragedy/Scream.mp3...
  3. iarebrandon

    I will mix and Master your song for $5.

    Check out my gig here: Heres some more samples:
  4. iarebrandon

    Anyone wanna make some money?

    Looking for talented guitarists who are willing to record and send DI tracks of some 30 seconds to mars songs....
  5. iarebrandon

    Anyone want to make some money?

    Looking for talented guitarists who are willing to record and send DI tracks of some 30 seconds to mars songs....
  6. iarebrandon

    Taking Back Sunday cover (Raw tracks if interested)

    I for one, would love to have these raw tracks.
  7. iarebrandon

    $5 Mixing and Mastering
  8. iarebrandon

    30 Seconds To Mars Cover

    Definitely outside of my comfort zone on this one. I was limited on my strings... I think my next purchase will be east west products. Still, how did I do?
  9. iarebrandon

    Paying gig... Need money?

    The point is for striving producers to have tracks to mix. With covers the user would also have a reference mix in order to try and replicate favorite tones and to simply practice mixing favorite bands. This isn't to say I don't want originals on the site. I do and I will, but there is going...
  10. iarebrandon

    Paying gig... Need money?

    headcrusher - no the site is not live yet. victoria - only midi drums.
  11. iarebrandon

    Paying gig... Need money?

    Its not that I want to program the drums and bass, just that I am willing to. For the time being I am not asking for songs from someones personal collection. Only songs that have already been copyrighted.
  12. iarebrandon

    Paying gig... Need money?

    I am in the latter process of creating a website with the immediate purpose of delivering raw tracks/multi-tracks in a clean organized fashion. My goal is for the user to be able to submit his own recordings or to just download his favorite bands raw tracks quickly and easily. It is not going to...
  13. iarebrandon

    Joey's cymbal samples with SSD4?

    no but it loads wav and some of his samples have wav. plus i bet kontakt can be broken down into wavs somehow. and yes kontakt always blows. It is so friggin slow and buggy. I have an i7 processer with 24 gb ram and my computer still hates it.
  14. iarebrandon

    Underøath-like Mix — Advice/ears needed!

    if your going for the underoath sound.... aaron gillespie's drum kit is sampled and available online.
  15. iarebrandon

    Joey's cymbal samples with SSD4?

    Interesting, i know ssd4 allows importing of samples. I'm gonna look into this cause kontakt just fucking blows!