Recent content by Jarkko Mattheiszen

  1. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Is it possible to pass a hair follicle test?

    This is solid advice 11 years afrer the dude had the test.
  2. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Yo Sneapsters

  3. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Did a massive upgrade, replacing the old console with a 500-series system and some outboard stuff. Stoked to get it into action in the next session! I also renovated the website and added an easy-to-use front end for booking mixing and mastering online, go check it out...
  4. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Had an unfortunate last minute cancellation for next month and I need to fill the slot, so if you want a deal, this is your chance. There's available space from the 1st to the 19th of November, and during that time slot, I'll do a full album mix for $900 or an EP of max 5 songs for $500. Free...
  5. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    New interview with Andy, tips inside

    A lot of it has been covered here years ago, but it's still a good read:
  6. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Whats the deal with the Randall RG100?

    Hahaha, what the fuck?
  7. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Been a while since I last visited here! Here's some picks of the stuff I've done lately, both recorded mixed and and mastered by me:
  8. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    As a producer how do you tell a band a song sucks

    Were you hired to be the dude to tell the band which of their songs are good and which suck? In other words, were you hired to be the producer? If yes, you probably should already know how to handle the situation in a constructive manner that serves the band, the music and you. Were you hired...
  9. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Heya heya heya, January, February and April are absolutely utterly booked full, but I still have time for one project in March, so I'll extended the deal I posted before: Book a mixing project for March, and I'll do it for $120 a song, which is about half off of my normal rate. Book two songs...
  10. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Post any black friday deals here

    Slate Digital & Drums deals are up, just grabbed Trigger Platinum for $79 but seems like the download servers are down :/
  11. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Hardwired...To Self Destruct production

    You're absolutely not :)
  12. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Whoooooooooo, the doors are open! Pics added in the first post!
  13. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Back in business - new studio space

    Got the keys, moved halfed of the stuff in, picked up a console (a 40+8+2 channel Amek TAC Scorpion II), started fixing it and installing the acoustic treatment.
  14. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    One more mixing or a couple of mastering slots left in December!
  15. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Tracking slots are filling up pretty nicely, so I'm throwing out a huge deal for fellow Sneapsters and friends of fellow Sneapsters. Book a mixing project for December, January or February, and I'll do it for $120 a song, which is about half off of my normal rate. Book two songs or more and I'll...