Recent content by jdolese1226

  1. jdolese1226

    Haven't been in here in a bit! Crit this damn mix!

    Sup guys! I haven't been on here in forever! Just got out of the loop, well check out my new mixes! Band is Killing a Classic, this is the stems from what they uploaded.
  2. jdolese1226

    Should I buy a preamp ?

    Well a lot of people before told me not to get the Pro MPA II because i have a Focusrite Pro-40 and the pres are pretty amazing. M-Audio also has sick pres on their interfaces, in your case getting the Pro MPA II would/maybe be a good idea, or you can save up (if you believe your setup is good...
  3. jdolese1226

    Check out my cymbal samples and fx! Hey guys! We have a 50% off sale starting tonight at 12:00 AM! Just use the discount code " KrystalKlear " !
  4. jdolese1226

    Sup guys! Check out my new samples and stuff! Hey guys! We have a 50% off sale starting tonight at 12:00 AM! Just use the discount code " KrystalKlear " ! By the way guys! i have a little promo coming out on my new sound so you guys can check that out!!
  5. jdolese1226

    My own badass FX pack!

    Haha there is loads! Hope to hear some feedback from people about them!
  6. jdolese1226

    My own badass FX pack!

    Hey guys check out these FX i made! all metal clanks, and swooshed, reversed IMPACTS! Check them out here!
  7. jdolese1226

    Vocal Processing

    hardware (behringer pro-xl comp) > Waves tune > cla 76 > cla la2a > De-esser > a tad of saturation Bus - reverb > Stereo Delay > Fab Filter Pro C
  8. jdolese1226

    New mix NEED CRITS!!!

    It does dude! I love it just still sounds kinda clipy haha. But like i tell everyone If you are intentionally doing something and people are like "Shit dude i can't listen to it cause it's clipping like crazy" Eff them dudes, because to be in this business you must be creative. Like when...
  9. jdolese1226

    New mix NEED CRITS!!!

    Mix sounds dip, drums are tight, bass could be a bit basier but thats a personal pref, but it's tight. Master seems to clip just a little toooooo much. Not bad though, seems like it could be just a tad to overdriven into your master.
  10. jdolese1226

    Band names

    haha yeah you're right with that one
  11. jdolese1226

    New cymbal samples!

    If you make a sample with them put them up here! Thanks so much man!
  12. jdolese1226

    New At forum and mixing. Question about blend samples.

    Yeah dude I see what you mean! That mix I posted the other day is WIM unprocessed and fop kick!
  13. jdolese1226

    Band names

    To give my honest opinion, anything pertaining to "Kings, Conquer, I, We," or a girls name. "Verb (the) Noun" All of which I believe are severely generic and lame. If you guys haven't noticed, normally bands with extremely UNHEARD OF type names are the bands that are extremely popular...
  14. jdolese1226

    $50 a mix and master! HMU

    KonKrete Studios is currently looking for artist/bands to record. Any style/genre $50 a song. Contact us at or message us on the page. Thanks! Here are some examples of what we've done so far: Band: In//Secret (Clean vocals are not...
  15. jdolese1226

    New At forum and mixing. Question about blend samples.

    No prob dude and remember you can do it with a transient designer too! Not just in Kontakt