Recent content by Lionheart747

  1. Lionheart747

    Get well soon Nigel

    As previously said, people are using the new forum...but i just wanted to say NIGEL, GET WELL SOON, AND GET BACK BEHIND THAT BLOODY DRUM KIT, WHERE YOU BELONG....
  2. Lionheart747

    RIP Saxonized.

    Even tho i joined this forum later than most of you, it still holds a dear place in my heart, i remember when i was told about Pete, i was just shell shocked (still am) as you know i am not on Facebook anymore, but i still have pictures and memories of Forum members, i feel it an honour to be...
  3. Lionheart747

    Saxon 2011

    Been a bit greedy now, but i will say Saxon 2011 was great, not only did they play my home town, but i managed to see them in Leamington and London (twice), should they announce Donington i may invest in a ticket, HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone who still reads this forum
  4. Lionheart747

    I wish we were all back on here...

    Ahhh Mr Fingers good to see you on here,
  5. Lionheart747

    I wish we were all back on here...

    i know many people won't read this and i know i was a late starter on the forum (over here) but just reading some of the comments on the other forum, i wish we were back on here, i was just reading some of my PM's and back then everyone pulled together, any comment made had good criticism and...
  6. Lionheart747

    Just seeing if anyone else is still about on here..

    As the title say's just wondering, i got fed up with the other forum, don't get me wrong i still have a wee look and comment on various things, but i started on here and well this is home :-)
  7. Lionheart747

    Happy Birthday - Saxonized

    Belated Happy Birthday mate hope you had a good one
  8. Lionheart747

    Lionheart v The Inner Sanctum.

    I wimped out, i like them both for different reasons....and that is my final answer (sorry):waah:
  9. Lionheart747

    Just like in the UK, here's another Poll!

    Blimey Paxo, you really know how to put something in the mix, funny you should mention Unleash... i was only listening to it the other day it is a fantastic CD/LP, i do like Saxon's first, if Saxon's first was released today as there "first" CD i wonder what review it would get?
  10. Lionheart747

    Anyone doing any festivals...

    As the title suggests, is anyone going to any Festivals? if Saxon announced Donington (Download) i would consider it, but as Fingers "pointed" out they could only play for 30 - 45 mins.
  11. Lionheart747

    Rage Against the Machine - Free Gig

    Blimey Fingers that could be me divorced, that is my FIRST ANNIVERSARY, now i really don't want to be washing up for the next few years..:erk:
  12. Lionheart747

    Let's get Rockin' again on here..............

    I agree with Fingers about some of the "moaning" ok a forum is for "fans" to "air" whatever they want BUT it got to silly, hopefully back on here we can all have our opinions and not go over the top...........but as they say "WELCOME HOME"
  13. Lionheart747

    The Friday Joke

    Fingers don't give up your day job mate :lol:
  14. Lionheart747

    Let's get Rockin' again on here..............

    i am back to, cheers Fingers
  15. Lionheart747

    Is there anybody out there??

    I have found this place again........HELLO EVERYONE