MadTinus's latest activity

  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    DIIV - Everyone Out Great new album by these Brooklyn shoegazers <3
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus reacted to DarkGift's post in the thread Now playing thread with Like Like.
    Promise and the Monster - Sheets Been years since I gave this album a spin, super underrated
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    They played on the Mellowboat in 2008 right? Ha, good times! NP: Rebirth of Nefast - The Lifting of the Veil
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    My Bloody Valentine - wonder 2 Been giving mbv some tries over time, but to me it's nowhere near as interesting as, for example...
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    Counting Hours - No Closure <3
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    Rapture - Futile <3
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    Counting Hours - This Well of Failures What an album, it just keeps growing, each song is fantastic <3
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    Throes of Dawn - The Wanderer Their older albums will finally be made available on streaming services! <3
  • MadTinus
    MadTinus replied to the thread Now playing thread.
    Counting Hours - The Wishing Tomb