Recent content by omnipotence

  1. O

    Metal you find objectively good, but hardly enjoy

    There are metal albums out there which strike you as unique/original/innovative/etc. (whether by way atmosphere, spirit, or something more objectively-observable such as song structure or the level of musicianship), but no matter how you many times you approach it, you can't find (or you hardly...
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    When will In Flames stop making terrible music?

    Still a fun band to see live. They played Graveland from TJR last time I saw em.
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    Lyrics that make you laugh

    "Beat... Rodney.... down.... down to the gound!!!"
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    Hornets of the Pogrom

    Drakkar Productions ( fuckin' shipping was 9 bucks, but ah well, I love this album and it could not have come at a better time. The track, "Swill of the Knaves", sounds very black metalish and fucking epic.
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    Hornets of the Pogrom

    Got the album in the mail yesterday. It is ridiculous how good this album turned out to be. The updated version of Nubian Archer just might their new best song out of all... it is perfect.
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    Riff Thieves

    Keyboard "riff" plagiarism (or melody, rather, whatever): The ass-clowns of Norway, Dimmu Borgir An ass-clown rapper from Germany, Bushido
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    Youtube thread

    If this has been posted already, I apologize... but um,... Utter hilarity and utter disappointment combined.
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    Black Metal.

    That's true to an extent, but they did use a similar riff approach found on Salvation and took it up a couple notches in imagination for Kenose, Fas, and the two split-cd 15+ min. songs.
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    Calling all Opeth homos

    There were a couple songs on My Arms, Your Hearse that actually showed some interesting narrative song structure (I'm referring to "April Ethereal" and "Karma"). The majority of their other songs are just "cut-n-paste" though--- an acoustic section here, then the heavy part, then a bit with...
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    new cryptopsy

    :lol: Flo's drumming skills needed somewhere else. BMF was the only decent work by them anyway...
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    Black Metal.

    While on note, does the new Leviathan really sound like current DSO?
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    Best Tool Album?

    What a fairly good album upon first impression. Finally, some modern rock music that doesn't come across as boring and vapid. How does their second album measure up?
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    New Origin song on MySpace

    The best production for Origin yet! The other albums sounded very 'buried' compared to this... Hopefully, they can keep up with more songs such as this one on the album.
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    Arghoslent- In Coffles They Were Led :kickass:
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    Hornets of the Pogrom

    Has anyone heard the album yet? I'm not even sure, but I reckon it has leaked by now. I'm interested in thoughts/first impressions, if any. I ordered a copy yesterday, when it was first made available. Seems Drakkar was a day late on the release date, tbh.... doh!