Recent content by Oske7

  1. Oske7

    Live drum recording feedback

    I helped a friend track his entry for Troy Wright's compilation thing, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on my drum recording. Anything in particular that you like, or anything you think I could improve upon? Here are two clips: Unmixed, just volume and panning Mixed version I can post the...
  2. Oske7

    I just finished up writing a new track! Any critiques on the mix or writing?

    This will have vocals eventually, but for now, here's the instrumental! I'm still not 100% happy with the mix yet, mainly the way the guitars are sitting. They sound to fuzzy to me, but I'm not really sure what else to do from here/what else to cut from those fuzzy frequencies without making it...
  3. Oske7

    Any advice on the mix of this new instrumental track?

    The details are in the description of the video, but for the tl;dr version - I was wondering if you guys had any advice on the mix, specifically drums. What can I do to keep them sounding full enough without them peaking super high compared to everything else? I dunno, maybe I'm not asking...
  4. Oske7

    New track "Never Let Go" (no bass recorded yet)

    Something new I'm working on. I haven't done anything heavy for a while, so any thoughts/criticism? It's kind of a short song, and I can't tell if it feels complete or if it needs something more to it.
  5. Oske7

    My best mix so far?

    Sounds awesome! that breakdown at the end, soooo heavy haha
  6. Oske7

    Short tone test with the Axefx II. Tell me what you think!

    That sounds great man
  7. Oske7

    Music Production student, just finished recording an album

    I finished recording this album a little over a month ago, and I wanted to see what you guys think! Any feedback/criticism is appreciated. I'm studying music production, so any suggestions on how to improve would be awesome!
  8. Oske7

    Check out this composition! (original)

    Really cool riffs in there, sounds good! As long as you can pull this back together later on in the song, maybe with something similar to one of these first couple sections, it'll turn it from a collection of different riffs into a cohesive song. Good work, yo!
  9. Oske7

    Progressive Deathcore-ish mix - just finished an album

    Hello! I've recently finished recording and mixing an album of a few of my songs, and I'd like to know what you guys think of the production/mixing. I'm a music production student still learning how to do all this, so I'd like to see what you think I could work on to improve the sound of any...
  10. Oske7

    Djenty Christmas!

    I just got a copy of Pod Farm, so I made a metal cover of a christmas song - let me know what you think!
  11. Oske7

    New mix, had to polish a turd!

    Look up "God's Cab" impulses. there's a ton, they're free. all you gotta do is load the impulse into a convolution reverb plugin (IR-1, logic's Space Designer, etc) on each guitar track.
  12. Oske7


    Huge improvement from the first recording, great job! Are you using superior drummer by chance? Like TwoGOneSee mentioned, the drums are noticeably programmed, sounds like the Avatar kit. Main thing i'd work on is getting the drums to sound a bit more natural, and maybe making a precise cut or...
  13. Oske7

    Testing a metal mix

    I'm currently studying audio production so I'm still learning about recording and such. I'd appreciate some feedback on my latest metal mix - I'm recording a solo album so I've been messing with the mixes a lot lately, but I feel like there's still something lacking. Any tips/things to consider...
  14. Oske7

    Premonition: The Dream - Deathcore-ish Intro Track

    Hello everyone, I'm studying audio/music production at Ohio University, but I'm still fairly new to recording and mixing. This is going to be the intro track for a metal album I'm writing and recording, and I'd like to get some different opinions on the mix/how to make it better. (the...