Recent content by patriarch

  1. P

    I need bands like Spiral Architect!! enjoy
  2. P

    post your Myspace address so we can mingle on teh interwebz!!
  3. P

    santuary is still going......................CHECK OUT - SHADOW KEEP

    Here you can check Rogue's new band... enjoy!!!
  4. P


    Check out 4 songs of our latest demo "Black Harvest" at homepage:
  5. P

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Here you can check out my band, we released a new demo about six months ago, enjoy!
  6. P

    Who is the best singer in metal?

    Saw Symphony X for the first time last night SUPER!!! What a vocalist!!! Russ Anderson (Forbidden) Buddy Lackey (Psychotic Waltz)
  7. P

    Theory in Practice

    Just bought "Colonizing the sun" last weekend. Fucking great band
  8. P

    Cool band covering Nevermore

    the band Shadowkeep, we played a gig last year with that band. The vocalist is also Belgian (British band). Unfortunatly I heard he left the band a few weeks ago
  9. P

    Cool band covering Nevermore

    Cool band to check out, saw them live yesterday and been totaly blown away, especially when they played "inside four walls". Also their CD is cool, but live just a little bit better, especially the vocals... On the cd the higher vocals just a little too much on the background, and more low...