Recent content by Rezonate

  1. Rezonate

    EYEFEAR - The Unseen

    Now get 'yer arses back to the Bay Area, would you?
  2. Rezonate

    The festival wrap-up, thanks and much more-- FINALLY!!

    Likewise Brett-Meister. Like the old song says, "Just call my name, I'll be there" :hypno:
  3. Rezonate

    The festival wrap-up, thanks and much more-- FINALLY!!

    David - Thanks for letting the infection that is me be a part of this! If I can't be playing, I might as well be assisting other synth blasting fools such as myself behind the scenes. Thanks also to everyone else who toiled under the whip of stage master Damien, we did it with style. Count me...
  4. Rezonate

    Got voice?

    TIMELINE will be auditioning lead vocalists to work with us in completing our 2nd CD, Epoch. Samples of our material, both from the first CD and Epoch can be found this site. If you have an interest in working with us, please contact us at and indicate how we can...
  5. Rezonate

    Timeline members at ProgPower

    Hey all, just wanted to put it out there that 2/3's of Timeline will be in attendance at ProgPower, so if you see the Timeline shirt or the BarFest shirt, odds are it's our representation at the show. Say Hi & enjoy the show.
  6. Rezonate

    Still more recording progress

    Been a while since there's been anything new thrown out around here. Progress continues on the final recordings for Epoch. We've had a few delays, mostly "life" type, which is where we derive our inspiration from in the first place. We've also upgraded our ProTools rig, which caused some...
  7. Rezonate

    What You Listenin' To???

    Hey Ebola...I'm here in Houston & am going to try to get into one of the nights at Madfest...wish you were here... Scott
  8. Rezonate


    I'm here in town for work and am going to try to make *one* of the nights. Hope to see some of you there... Scott
  9. Rezonate

    Through those Eyes

    Well, we have our contender for the ProgPower CD Sampler almost at the ready. Mixdown, EQ, and a touch of mastering, and we should be ready to throw down on our second CD sampler. We can hardly wait to get this CD out. So much change, and so much growth. Get ready folks, here comes the sophomore...
  10. Rezonate

    Thank You Everyone

    Ed, it was really great playing with you guys we said last time, we had a chance to talk after our sets (unlike the Avalon) and have a bit of a party for ourselves! We're really looking forward to the possibility of doing some more shows with you. You guys are completely...
  11. Rezonate

    Pictures from the Avalon

    Hey everyone, just wanted to give another big thanks to all of the folks who made the Avalon show. We've put up some pictures we had taken, and some more shots from Enchantgy, who was kind enough to provide them to us. So stop by, and hit the gallery for the Avalon...
  12. Rezonate

    Enchant Headlines the Bay Area with Redemption, Zero Hour and Timeline

    I was totally blown away with the way things came off. This had to be the most pro show we've ever been involved with thanks to David, Bear, and the crew, and it was an honor to work with Zero Hour, Redemption, and Enchant. A special thanks to THE CROWD ! You Rock ! Waiting for May...
  13. Rezonate

    Bay Area Rock Fest--aka BARfest - The Story so Far

    This is the best thing to happen since the Expose shows years ago, and they were all smaller shows. Thanks for everything David, and of course, all of the bands making it out. Let's give a little CPR to the western scene. Scott
  14. Rezonate

    If the keyboard player...

    Dude, don't you know how to use a PHONE? "I'm in a Frenzy, see me in this Frenzy See my feet, they're acting like they're CRAZY Blisters on my tongue, I've been singing in my sleep I can't calm down, No, I-I-I-I can't calm down"
  15. Rezonate

    Epoch recording progress

    Hey everyone, just wanted to throw a recording update out there. The drum tracks have been picked and sealed, instrument recording is now live. Heavy and Huge is the best way to describe our new sound and demeanor. We should have things tracked and finished for a Spring '07 release. This...