Recent content by Robert Phantom

  1. Robert Phantom

    Slayer, Lamb of God and Behemoth Touring Together!

    What's up guys I wanted to ask what your opinions are on the upcoming Slayer Tour do you guys think that these bands will work well together or do you think that they clash in a bad way. Please check out the video and let me know what you think . Thank you for your time and support.
  2. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    Good point lol
  3. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    If you are interested in what I personally don't like I would have to say that when a band sounds whiney like someone who just lost their girlfriend I personally can no longer stand to hear them lol I'm also not big on high pitched squeals and screeches where the singer sounds like a tire...
  4. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    Listen I have no problem with you OK......I'm not trying to be hostile with you in any way shape or form ......and I'm being neutral because I'm simply talking about a topic..... I didn't create this video to talk shit about bands that I don't personally enjoy......and I also didn't create this...
  5. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    Are you calling me a bland piece of shit? It's alright if you don't enjoy my content but I don't think I said or did anything that warrants that sort of response.......the point of the video was not for me to shit on other bands it was to start a dialogue with my fellow metal heads
  6. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    Just wanted to make it very clear that I am not trying to spam anything or offend anyone I would just like to talk with my fellow metal head brothers and sisters.........I'm new to this community so I thought it would be alright for me to share a bit of who I am with this forum Trust me when I...
  7. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    What's up Metal Heads!! My Name is Robert Phantom I have a Youtube Channel Dedicated to talking about Heavy Metal & Gaming as well as posting my own personal Music and Artwork My question to you is what in your opinion makes a bad metal band? What just ruins a good band for you? Thank You for...
  8. Robert Phantom

    What Makes A Bad Metal Band?

    What's up Metal Heads!! My Name is Robert Phantom I have a Youtube Channel Dedicated to talking about Heavy Metal & Gaming as well as posting my own personal Music and Artwork My question to you is what in your opinion makes a bad metal band? What just ruins a good band for you? Thank You for...