Recent content by ShadowOfDeath

  1. S welcomes Oak Knoll and family!

    Welcome! I believe I bought from Oak Knoll back in october at a show. Is there a way to get a list of the stuff you had online? I don't remember seeing one online.
  2. S

    Technically Advanced Black Metal

    I'd say the song structures of Belenos and Graveland are more complex and constructed with more than a few power chords, but technicality is not a goal for black metal rather than archiving a certain aura as most people said. Some of the best black metal is also the most simple (burzum for...
  3. S

    The Philosophy of Heavy Metal

    It's not a matter of trying to establish metal as legitamate art, but that by doing so Prozak throws in a lot of redundant and ambiguous language that only weaken his arguments.
  4. S

    For Those Who Don't Go To M-A And Want To See Velvet Cacoon's Guitarist

    It's trendy to be anti-trend and hate everything that is 'overrated' despite how good they know it really is.
  5. S

    Hammet leaving Metallica?

    This thread is easily this years comedy goldmine already. :lol:
  6. S

    The Philosophy of Heavy Metal

    I think the only reason Prozak continues to write this bullshit is because he's good at using ambiguous terms and pointless metaphors that he can get away with writing 50,000 random words with no coherency and he is still fellated by the ANUS camp who really don't understand what the fuck he's...
  7. S

    For Those Who Don't Go To M-A And Want To See Velvet Cacoon's Guitarist

    I'm surprised people didn't discover this earliar. Everything about that picture is obviously fake.
  8. S

    Fenriz - Historical Documentation

    I'm guessing you haven't read many other interviews by Fenriz ;) he always sounds like that in interviews. It's just in his personality.
  9. S

    Anyone else here been banned on Soulseek before?

    I've only been banned a couple times. Mostly for the stupid reasons to be banned. One time I was banned for reviewing dimmu borgir on metal archives and "being a faggoth who reviews shitty music." Another reason is because someone in the shitty french "muzimtropic!!!1" band haine noire saw...
  10. S

    Parody Black Metal?

    w00d5b17ch is a serious band. The guy behind it can play pretty well. It's nothing but an internet black metal band made by a guy that used to go on soulseek all of the time. Impaled Northern Moonforest and Detsorgsekalf (the kitty cat meow band) are both very shitty parodys.
  11. S

    Metal Archives

    Nothing short from the truth either. Ever since my first listen to that album i've thought of it as complete shit.
  12. S

    Just when Metallica's ideas couldn't get any worse... my friend sent this to me. This has to be a joke, that or Metallica show's that rock bottom is still a long way down. If this is serious, this is the stupidest idea yet.
  13. S

    Teh grym tr00 kvlt nekro-fuk BM thread

    Nefandus - The Nightwinds Carried Our Names Underrated black metal classic. Rereleased this year with the Behold the Hordes demo. Does anybody know where you can find a copy of the rerelease with Behold the Hordes?
  14. S


    Yes, it is online. I have yet to find it though. Most summoning demos (with the exception of Anno Mortiri Domini) are near impossible to find.
  15. S

    I'll have a stab at this...

    Where is the funny?