Recent content by shal

  1. shal

    Vic Records news related to Dan

    It's cool that he's remastering RWE, but but there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. Sounded perfect to me. I think they just want to get the cd out to fans, or make more money, whichever. It's all good, I got the original anyway. I live about 30 minute from Vic Records where the...
  2. shal

    need help with guitar sound

    Hey Dan, The guitars on Rain Without End are the best ever. Can you please give me some pointers to try to get a good guitar tone like that? I am really struggling with my Jackson DNKY and my Roland cube amp. I have tried for years to get a killer guitar tone but it's not working. Thank you...
  3. shal

    October Tide- To Die From Strength

    ok i got it. thank you very much. much respect !!
  4. shal

    October Tide- To Die From Strength

    Thanks for posting the song, i can't wait to hear it. unfortunately i can't get to that link from my work computer. Will the link still work in about 7 hours (approx 4pm Brazil time)? I know some of these song links expire after a short time. m.shal
  5. shal

    Bands Like Katatonia

    I put special emphasis on Jonas Renske and Fredrik Norrman's side project "October Tide here". The album "Rain Without End" is Renske's magnum opus as far as i'm concerened. Their 2nd and final album "Grey Dawn" is good too, but a bit harsher, not nearly as great and Rain Without End. If you...
  6. shal

    October Tide- To Die From Strength

    Does anybody know where i can get my hands on the old October Tide promo song called "To Die From Strength"? Please i must hear it.
  7. shal

    Best amp/pedal for practicing & recording

    Hey. yeah i tried out a smaller Sansamp at the local store. it sounded kinda rough around the edges to be honest. but i've haven't tried out their preamps. i heard they were excellent. what would i just that with my amp on a clean channel or? when i use the pod that way, i have to use "no" amp...
  8. shal

    Melodic Doom guy

    ha. it is, but not for an american who doesn't know anyone. I thought it would be easy to meet people here. I was wrong. maybe if you live in or near a large city.
  9. shal

    Best amp/pedal for practicing & recording

    Hi guys and gals. I am having trouble finding a good setup to practice my metal riffs at a low volume. my marshall 2x12 amp has way too much thump, and my little roland microcube has NO thump. i use the killer Z (metal zone) setting on the PODXT with both, and it sounds ok. i wonder if the...
  10. shal

    Introduce yourself here

    Hello people. My name is Marshal. I'm from the US but i currently live in the Netherlands. I have a small recording studio in my house where i write music. my primary instrument is acoustic guitar, but I write mostly metal. My influences are FOE, October Tide, early Katatonia, early Metallica...
  11. shal

    How do you make your music?

    If you want the notes on fruity loops to stop, you need to input a note precisely where you want the stop to occur, and cut the volume of that note all the way off. It's works quite well. I'd be happy to answer any other questions.
  12. shal

    Melodic Doom guy

    Hello people. My name is Marshal. I'm from the US but i currently live in the Netherlands. I have a small recording studio in my house where i write music. my primary instrument is acoustic guitar, but I write mostly metal. My influences are FOE, October Tide, early Katatonia, early Metallica...
  13. shal

    Introduce myself

    Hello people. My name is Marshal. I'm from the US but i currently live in the Netherlands. I have a small recording studio in my house where i write music. my primary instrument is acoustic guitar, but I write mostly metal. My influences are FOE, October Tide, early Katatonia, early Metallica...
  14. shal

    The Kolios Project

    Hi there. I have been recording my own music for a while. I might be intersted in your project. I will post i new thread to introduce myself.