Recent content by Zer01

  1. Zer01

    Web store broken?

    Just wanted to say I got it to work with FF but not with IE
  2. Zer01

    Web store broken?

    Hi everyone, I really want to buy Mortuus Machina on CD, but when I click "add to cart", it just takes me back to the main page. I've looked absolutely everywhere for this disc. I can't even find a used copy! Thanks!
  3. Zer01

    Who's a shredder?

    I play the git-fiddle:lol: Here's some stuff I done did: Guitar is real. No vocals. Drums are programmed. Bass is played on guitar and pitch-shifted down an octave.
  4. Zer01

    Official "pick your fav song from Continuum" poll

    Heart Machine! That is one heavy riff. I don't think I could pick a 2nd favorite.
  5. Zer01

    tabs...and hello!

    I discovered Prototype a few weeks ago and I am blown away. I'm pretty jaded so from me that's saying a lot. Continuum is awesome. Not only do I get great metal, I get Arthur C. Clarke too!:lol: I was wondering if it's OK to talk about tabs here. I know some bands are touchy about that kind...