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  1. J

    What happened to Paul?

    Wow Paul - I don't know you but a huge congrats on the impressive weight loss! I did not even recognize you when you took the stage on Friday night. Absolutely killer show guys! Can't wait for "Bled White" to come out - the tracks you played from the new album were awesome and I can't...
  2. J

    Caught a Novembers Doom mention in an unexpected place

    In addition to my love of all things metal, I am a huge baseball fan. I peruse the Reddit baseball boards all the time and just came across this gem: Apparently, the PA announcer for...
  3. J

    Happy Halloween

  4. J

    Happy Halloween

  5. J

    How do you celebrate?

    Needed a good reason to crack the first of my 3 Floyd's ragnarok porters. An epic Blackhawks Stanley cup win fits the bill. Here's to my Swedish heroes hjalmarsson, oduya, Kruger and stalberg, along with the guys in the best band on the planet. Fuckin' cheers! Hawks win!!!
  6. J

    These are awesome

    Probably too hot to wear for more than 5 minutes but they look pretty sweet. Get yourself a custom Hegg:
  7. J

    R.I.P. Compact Discs

    I know that Aphotic has been out for some time but I just recently got around to going to Best Buy to pick it up. Yikes - it has been awhile since I was at a Best Buy but holy cow has the CD section all but disappeared. I did not find Aphotic. I did not even find Novembers Doom slot. What...
  8. J

    SOLD OUT Chicago - April 14th - photos and video

    The occupancy for this room was 316 and there was at least 500 people there. Surtur Rising front to back in the first set and a second set that included Asator, 1000 Years of Oppression and a Victorious March/Gods of War Arise/Death in Fire was truly an honor to be at the opening...
  9. J

    ND Sandwich

    I guess I thought it might be interesting (stupid but fun) to see the bands/artists that you have alphabetically before and after Novembers Doom on your artist cue - mine are Nile and Obituary...
  10. J

    Metal DVD Recommendations?

    Every year my wife and kids go to Wisconsin for two weeks but I can only be there for one. This leaves me as a bachelor for one full week. I am going to see Municipal Waste one night, Lair of the Minotaur and Earthen Grave another night and have a Cubs game thrown in too. I intend to have...
  11. J

    OT: Anyone else heard of the Matchbox in Lyons?

    For the Chicago area folks- I got a flyer at the Amon Amarth show last night for a Swashbuckle meet and greet at a record store(?) called The Matchbox in Lyons - I never heard of this place before. Anyone else heard of it or been there before?
  12. J

    Novembers Doom song on Johnny Orlando's top 20 for 2009

    There is some stuff I've never heard of on this list but Novembers Doom comes in with a top 5 song (from 20 - Rusty Eye - “Somnambulist Possession” off of “Possessor” 19 - Lamb of God - “Contractor” off of “Wrath” 18 -...
  13. J

    That's right - Jerome WAS fired!

    What up fuckers? Here I am with the ringing in my ears and a beer in my hand. Raise a glass to Friday nite. Long live metal. jWf
  14. J

    Bonus Amon Amarth on Johnny Orlando show

    So they like Bon Jovi?....