Search results

  1. ElPredicador

    Cleaning guitars

    Hello there. I'd like to know how do you clean your guitar. Until recently, I just used a dry cloth, but now I bought a new guitar (an amazing fender strat, american standard, 96 edition), and I feel it does not work. I know there are some special liquids out there, but I don't know which...
  2. ElPredicador

    System of a Down

    I was watching TV, and suddenly on MTV a System of a Down Video appeared: B.Y.O.B. I don't pretty much like System of a Down, but I must say: THIS SONG BLOWS LOTS OF METAL SONG'S ASS!!!! It is far superior than most standard metal. PS: I am a bit drunk tight now, so I may have not phrased...
  3. ElPredicador

    Mattias Eklundh and Freak Kitchen

    I remember posting somewhere on this forum about mattias and freak kitchen (replying, actually), but I can't find the original post, so wtf... I remember saying freak kitchen sucked and all sorts of bad stuff (I do recall saying that mattias was an amazing player, but he just did wanker stuff...
  4. ElPredicador


    I just went yesterday to see Criminal, a Death/Black/Doom (never got the real difference between the three..:) ) band from Chile! Although they left Chile because here there isn't enough market... I heard they are doing great sales, specially in Japan. Anyway, they just plain kicked ass!!:rock...
  5. ElPredicador

    Music for speeding

    I recently got my hands on Music For Speeding, the brand new Marty Friedman album. It is very good, and anyone that likes Marty Friedman will like this album. Although here again Marty shows us that he definitely rules at melodies, he does not so much at riffs... What are your thoughts?
  6. ElPredicador

    Uncle Moe's Space Ranch

    I just got my hands on "Uncle Moe's Space Ranch", by Brett Garsed, T.J. Helmerich, Gary Wilis, Scott Kinsey and Dennis Chambers. I've been listening to it for the first time and I can say that this is certainly a good album. It mixes jazz fusion with rock as no band i've heard before (although...
  7. ElPredicador

    Neil Peart

    Do you think Neil Peart is really that good?? I'm not a die-hard Rush fan, but I've heard quite a bit, and I don't think he is that good. All right, he is a good player, but I think he is famous just because he was the first famous one, and not because he is "the best drummer in the world". What...
  8. ElPredicador

    Guitar recomendations

    I am looking for a new guitar, after getting sick of my Ibanez RG 270x.... Any ideas? I am looking into something more versatile, not so metal-ish. The most important thing is, though, that the body and neck are well constructed, since all the electronic parts can be changed. So tell me, what...
  9. ElPredicador

    Planet X in south america?

    I know there are some guys here that are from south america, so I'll ask here: Has anyone heard of a rumour that Planet X is coming here (speciffically, Chile)? I've heard real strong rumours about that, but the official page only shows the NEARfest tour for this year... Off topic: Jethro...
  10. ElPredicador


    I am hearing now meshuggah's Greed, from Contradictions Collapse, and I just had to tell someone how great this song is. Specially the part after one guitar solo, at about 3 minutes. Wow it's great. I just had to let it out...:)
  11. ElPredicador

    Heavy Bands

    Which heavy bands do you like? Here's my list: Meshuggah Opeth (some things, not all) Criminal Soilwork (some things too) Cynic (although it's not that heavy..) Pantera Post your preferences..
  12. ElPredicador

    A good place for scores/tabs/transcriptions?

    Anyone knows a good place for downloading scores/tabs/transcriptions? I am looking for a good jazz database of songs (for metal songs there's already a lot out there). The best seem to be and, but there are only a few. For example I can't find Herbie Hancock's...
  13. ElPredicador

    The accolade

    Hey there. I am not a native english speaker, and don't know what 'accolade' means. I searched on a dictionary, and found that it is something about a reward or something like that. What does it mean exactly?
  14. ElPredicador

    Gordian Knot

    Has anyone heard of Gordian Knot? It is the project of Sean Malone (ex-cynic bass/chapman stick player), and he invites well known and talented musicians to play the songs. It is SO great!:OMG: Haven't heard something like this. Excellent compositions, and it doesn't focus on solos or shredding...
  15. ElPredicador

    A band I recently discovered

    I recently discovered a band called Infectious Grooves. Have you heard of it? It is sooo great, whoooohooo!:grin: It's formed by: Mike Muir - Vocals (suicidal tendencies) Robert Trujillo - Bass (yeah, that's the new guy on metallica, he has also played with suicidal tendencies and ozzy osbourne)...
  16. ElPredicador

    Other music styles you like

    WHat music genres besides prog/metal do you like? but I don't mean "Yeah I can stand that", but music you actually put in your cd player. Mine: i like: 70's hardrock, 80's pop (Tears for fears rules!!), first half of 90's electronic-pop (the music from a night at the roxbury, for example)...
  17. ElPredicador

    Sun Caged

    Can anyone please tell me what the name means??? Shouldn't it be Caged Sun? ...or perhaps... The sun that is caged, or... sun in a cage... or ... whatever:confused::)
  18. ElPredicador


    Heeelp!! you know, this is not exactly a music question, but anyway, here I go: How is it called in English when you do that thing with your finger when playing for example an F chord? (when you press multiple strings with one finger) thanks in advance...
  19. ElPredicador

    Do you agree with me?

    Hi there. Just wandering if I'm the only one here that hates King of terrors? I say hate, but it's really like a feeling of "what the hell is a band like symphony x playing a song like this"? I usually skip that song when listening to that cd.
  20. ElPredicador

    Power metal???

    Does anyone know where did power metal get it's name from?? I'm sure not from their music , since power metal is quite light...