Search results

  1. Morgana

    Heavy Beersday

    A very heavy Beersday to our dear *M* :p Hope you have a great day, hehe... :grin:
  2. Morgana


    Thought I make a thread for all tour dates we get in, since we don't add them on the site, we could use the forum for it ;)
  3. Morgana

    Pics :)

    Time to post some pics here :p
  4. Morgana

    Guess who (game)

    Just thought of a game to play, got it from another forum where a friend started it... :) This is how it works: I will say a line/ verse from a song you will have to guess who it is.......also for every person that can't figure it out, there will put a letter up until someone tells the name of...
  5. Morgana

    Do you like to have a video of *M*?

    Hehehe couldn't resist... :p
  6. Morgana


    Just had a view on :) Looking forward to see Testament there \m/
  7. Morgana


    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren anbei eine wichtige Warnmeldung an alle Handynutzer: Falls die Rufnummer +49137799090269 als Anruf in Abwesenheit auf Ihrem Handydisplay erscheint, bitte NICHT zurückrufen. Es handelt sich dabei möglicherweise um eine Fangnummer. Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand...
  8. Morgana

    Madder Mortem

    I'm not really a fan of them, but I got this tour news in and thought I open a thread for them... MADDER MORTEM on tour with OPETH in the UK: March 2003 10th Portsmouth - Wedgwood Rooms 11th Manchester - Hop & Grape 12th London - Mean Fiddler 13th Exeter - University 14th Glasgow...
  9. Morgana


    Just decided that I'd like to see the musical Jekyll and Hyde, which will move to Cologne in March... :hotjump: I like musicals, unfortunately I need to travel when ever I feel like to see one. Some distance are quite far... I have seen The Who's Tommy in New York City... Chess in London...
  10. Morgana

    season greetings...

    ...what every you celebrate or not, I wish you a nice time... blessed winter solstice, happy yule and merry x-mas, etc... ~Morg (celebrating the winter solstice)
  11. Morgana


    Hey Asgeir and Tyr, would be nice if you can tell us a little bit about your band... ? ~Morg
  12. Morgana


    @ asgeir I like the design work of yours a lot, well, those work I have seen sofar, so I'd like to know if your company's website MultiMono will show some of your work in the near future. :) *Morg always interested others design work*
  13. Morgana

    Word Association...

    ... lets see how far we get. I start with the word --> Vintersorg ;)
  14. Morgana

    Word Association

    Thought we need a new game :grin: I start with the word --> Lunaris of course, Eld you know how to play, don't ya :grin:
  15. Morgana

    Happy Birthday...

    Loooooooaaaaaaads of heavy Birthday wishes to *M* Have a great one :muahaha: :flame:
  16. Morgana

    Ashes To Ashes

    First of all I have to say, that I do not own a album of them. I've heard good reviews, but when I've seen them live on the Prog Power Europe festival lately, I was a very disappointed. Rarely ever seen such bad stage presence! Anyone else seen them live?
  17. Morgana


    After reading a book about ley lines again, I thought to come up with a thread where we can discuss about mysterious stuff. Anything you "believe" in? I put the word believe in quotation marks, because some say it means not knowing...
  18. Morgana


    Sleepers is still one of my fave movies...
  19. Morgana


    some already know I love reading. Any interesting book you like to recommend? At the moment I read a biography of Mary, queen of Scots...
  20. Morgana

    Mattias Marklund

    I think it's time to honor the most forgotten man in "Vintersorg", Supervisor Mattias Marklund!!! I have read a lot of reviews of the latest album, but only found one which mention his name... I think it's very sad... he does a great job IMO, take "The Explorer" for example, he does a...