Search results

  1. FailingAcension

    Bands that have never changed lineup?

    I can't think of many.... Winds, for one.
  2. FailingAcension

    Sleep Paralysis

    Does anyone ever get this? I have had it since I was rather young. It comes in bouts every few months. I've kinda gotten used to it but its never particularly fun but it can be really really weird. Like I'll have gone into it and then had some of those dreams that you are 110% certain are real...
  3. FailingAcension

    The Imaginary Direction of Time

    So what are opinions on the new Winds album? Its obviously a continuation of the 1st and 2nd albums, musically, but since I adore those that is a good thing. I think the album is super-mega-excellent. Its still Winds but they've added different elements to their music. The clean part on Theory...
  4. FailingAcension

    Metal Musicians and Money

    Are there any, and I use the term loosley, "extreme" metal bands besides Dimmu Borgir and CoF who make a living out of being in their band? It seems like even really big names like Nile, Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel, ect. couldn't make enough money solely from the band to support themsevles. How much...
  5. FailingAcension

    Favorite Classical Piece of Music

    Mine would have to be Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. Its been my obession lately. I'm totally intruiged by it. It is just beautiful beyond description. I've got the sheet music and I'm slowly learning it. I've got about 4 pages memorized, out of the 10. But as they go they are the most...
  6. FailingAcension

    Post your drumset pictures

    A thread dedicated to your drumkit pictures and whatever info you want to add....
  7. FailingAcension

    1.0 + 1.0 = 2.0

    Just in case that other thread has any of you confused, I worked out the math so there would be no discrepiences. :grin: + :grin: = :grin: :grin: Or, if you're still a bit skeptical =1.0 + 1.0 =1.0 + .5 + .5 =1 + 1 =2 :hypno:
  8. FailingAcension

    Does anyone remember Tal?

    Its been sooooo long since I've heard anything about her, but she used to hang around here all the time and was really cool. Anybody know where she is and what she's up to?
  9. FailingAcension

    Should I change my avatar?!

    Okay, I've had this In Their Darkened Shrines avatar for a really long time. I've even been called Nile Boy by some members here. Now comes the question. Should I change it to a Cryptopsy one? Probably the Whisper Supremecy cover?
  10. FailingAcension

    Drum sets

    Tell about your drum kit here. I'll post my info when I make mine better. I'll also post pictures. When I make mine better.:p
  11. FailingAcension

    Recording The Album

    What is the order the insturments are recorded in? I thought drums are a must-be for the first insturment. But it seems somewhere I remember that Oystein is doing guitar first. Or will it be a scratch track? But that would still be tough. Maybe I am wrong? :Spin:
  12. FailingAcension


    So who likes these guys? Haven't heard alot about them 'round here. I think they are one of the greatest Death Metal band ever. Their drummer is a monster. Pretty technical and great vocal arrangements. Lets hear some disscussion... NP:Origin-Portal
  13. FailingAcension

    None So Live

    Buy it. Its awsome. Phenomanal drum solo. :loco: :hypno: :Spin: Any Cryptopsy or DM fan should invest. Great production for a live album, too.
  14. FailingAcension


    I don't like this band at all, but for those of you who do, you may discuss them here.
  15. FailingAcension


    So who here has stumbled across the greatest page in the world and recognized his true genious? Let us discuss our favorite "articles" by him! :grin:
  16. FailingAcension

    The Art of Noise Tour

    Man, Last night was the best show I've ever seen. This tour owns. If you don't already know, it consists of The Berzerker, Strapping Young Lad, Dark Tranquillity, Naplam Death, and Nile. To make a long story short, I got to meet all of The Berzerker and talk to them for a while. Since it was...
  17. FailingAcension

    Any Eagle Scouts?

    Am I the only Eagle Scout here?:p Or Boy Scout? Lets discuss our adventures in scouting.:grin: (No pervs here pleeeeeease!)
  18. FailingAcension

    Offical Non-Chatting thread!

    This is the thread where you don't chat at all! Nobody better post here. Remember, NO POSTING HERE! THIS IS THE NON-CHATTING THREAD! (since we have a chatting thread for everything else;))
  19. FailingAcension

    Coolest Band Member

    Who is the coolest band member you've met? I've met afew at the few concerts I've seen. Flo was nice, and the guitarist from Origin (not the bald one) was really talkative and cool.
  20. FailingAcension

    Finally. Borknagar From The End Records!

    After many long months I was finally able to buy a Borknagar shirt without having to ship half way accross the world! The End Records just got a Century Media Import stock of Empirisicm shirts. All XL, 16 USD, No S&H. I ordered the second I was it was new in stock! :grin: