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    MJR's submissions for Bleeding Fingers Composer Competition

    Looks like Romeo's entered into a composition contest of sorts. Fresh off the SX Facebook page: Thoughts on the tracks?
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    My Initial Thoughts on Catalyst

    BEFORE YOU START, KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A VERY, VERY LONG POST. I've listened to the album from start to finish a couple of times since I got it in the mail, and I think I can now put up a decent first impression of my reaction to it. Keep in mind that I will most definitely need to listen to...
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    How's the new album coming?

    I'm really only posting this seeing as this forum has been completely devoid of activity for over a month now. But since there haven't been any new announcements on album #3 lately, I was wondering just where it stands and how much progress has been made. Is it almost finished? Or do we still...
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    Merry Christmas to Prototype!

    Just wanted to wish you all the happiest of holidays, and whatnot. Hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Hope the album is coming along well. :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock: :Smokin::Smokin::Smokin::Smokin::Smokin:
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    Just a question

    I've had a question that has been bugging me for a while, and I figured, why not ask the band themselves? For the songs you have released on the demo for album #3, you guys seem to be incorperating more "death-growls" into the music. It certainly gives more variety sound-wise, but how do you...