Search results

  1. Potapka

    Online mixing service - Soundchop Studio

    Do you want your music to sound loud and punchy? Soundchop Studio will help you turn your recorded tracks into studio quality releases! Hi, my name is Andrew Sniahirou, and I’m a sound engineer at Soundchop Studio. I offer mixing of guitar music – all kinds of metal, rock, and indie stuff. I’ve...
  2. Potapka

    POKHVA - EP 2014 (nihilistic electro metal)

    Hello everyone, we're POKHVA, a nihilistic electro metal band from Minsk, Belarus. This is our first EP. I've been reading this forum for a few years now and got lots of useful tips and tricks here. :notworthy This EP was recorded and mixed at my project home studio. Any...
  3. Potapka

    Synth Metal Mix: advice needed

    Hi everybody, this is a song I've recently mixed for my bedroom metal project. It is partiallty inspired by Rammstein. :rolleyes: I'm wondering if bass and low mids are ok, because I've been trying to get rid of that bass guitar boxiness around 300-400 Hz and got my ears extremely tired...
  4. Potapka

    Mixing reamped guitars with miked tracks - how?

    I need a 50-50 combination of miked guitars (sm57+stack) and reamped guitars (revalver) for my industrial metal project. Guitars are quadrotracked. However, I notice that the reamped guitars somehow lag behind of miked tracks, no matter if i put 2 instances of Revalver on individual tracks or...
  5. Potapka

    Workflow setup, client management and other issues

    Hi, I’m pretty new to the trade, and currently I have this “mixin’-for-friends-and their friends” operation going in my house (after my day job, of course :) ), got lots of crazy kids and cheap-ass bands coming, because I charge low. My primary target for now is not money, but rather getting...
  6. Potapka

    Melodic Metal Mix

    I've recently made a mix for my friend's band free of charge, they play some melodic stuff with male/female vocals. The tracking was done by themselves, no samples were used for this one. Any opinions?
  7. Potapka

    Metal Project from Belarus

    Here's a sample of our metal project, where I tried to employ a mastering trick I've picked up at this forum, with two instances of Gclip and a limiter that shaves around 1 db. The goal was to reach -9 RMS without killing the drums. Guitars were quadtracked in my bedroom, mixing and "mastering"...
  8. Potapka

    A few questions on panning

    Hi, ppl, 1) Reading Russian/Belarusian forums and AE's opinions, I've noticed that most AEs here tend to avoid hard panning by all means, claiming that panning guitars 100% left and right "creates lots of phase and mono compatibility issues". Many of them pan distorted guitars only 80%, or...
  9. Potapka

    Rammstein-style thick snare reverb: how?

    Hi, ppl I'm trying to find a proper drum sound for my industrial metal project, and i guess the snare sound I dig lies somewhere around that of Rammstein (ex: Reise, Reise and Pussy). I've downloaded a GH multitrack of Weidmanns Heil and it seems that Rammstein use tons of compression and...
  10. Potapka

    Comment on my mix, please

    Hi, guys, I'm an amateur engineer from Belarus, and this is what my band managed to record in my bedroom studio, somewhat "Belarusian folk metal meets Nightwish" or whatever. Any comments are welcome, because my control system is very so-so...
  11. Potapka

    Guitar left\right mixdown problem in Audition 3

    Hi, guys! I've got some dark metal project to mix, with 6 mono guitar tracks (4 rythm guitars, 2 solo guitars). So I pan'em like L90, R90, L70, R70, solo guitars tracks go L20 R20. I've got EQs and Waves RVerb on them. When I solo a guitar track, it sounds perfectly left or right...