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  1. U

    Own your own figher jet Not a bad way to spen $5m
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    Turned off the cable today

    I don't want to pay $80 a month to watch commercials anymore. The customer service guy was completely miffed, he didnt understand that we just didn't want to watch 400 channels of pure crap any more. He was absolutely sure that we were switching to another provider, and thus completely...
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    OMG - Vacation - Finally!

    It's been two years since I took time off of work, and I've racked up over 200 hours of vacation time. As of 18:00 EST today I am officially off work for 18 days straight. I dont know what Im going to do with myself.
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    New Vinyl today

    Got my new Otep "The Ascension" vinyl in today. :kickass:
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    Arch Enemy

    Any fans? I'm going to see them at the TLA - Philly - in January. They're playing with Arsis, Exodus, Mutiny Within. Anyone checked out the new album yet, The Root of All Evil? Being that it's a bunch of their old songs redone with the new singer, can you really call it "new"?