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  1. kim olesen

    Full song from the new Anubis Gate album.

    Listen to a FULL song of ANUBIS GATEs new album HORIZONS. The song is called NEVER LIKE THIS
  2. kim olesen

    ANUBIS GATE: New 7 minute album teaser.

    From the new album HORIZONS.
  3. kim olesen

    New ANUBIS GATE album.

    NEW ANUBIS GATE ALBUM HORIZONS anubis gate horizons cover ANUBIS GATE ANNOUNCES NEW ALBUM WITH ALBUM ART, TRACKLIST AND RELEASE DATE! Finally the eagerly anticipated sixth album of Danish Prog-Metallers Anubis Gate is on the Horizon. They're new album "Horizons" is unquestionably the bands...
  4. kim olesen

    ANUBIS GATE gives 22 minutes of new music away. For free!

    Today ANUBIS GATE gives 22 minutes of new music away. For free! ANUBIS GATE on the free downloadable ep called "Sheep" "Hi everybody. As most of you know we have been working on our next effort called HORIZONS for the last two years. But, as some of you also know, we are insane...
  5. kim olesen

    Official band forum here, how to?

    I'm thinking about doing an Anubis Gate forum here. How do i get that up and running?