Search results

  1. pattonfreak1

    Focusrite 2i2 or Steinberg UR22mkII?

    So I have 2 VERY outdated interfaces that just won't cut it anymore (1st gen Toneport GX and a 1st gen Lexicon Alpha). The input and output on the Toneport are starting to go out and the Alpha is giving me weird latency issues (out of nowhere latency gets huge until I open device settings then...
  2. pattonfreak1

    what khz and bit rate do you record at and why?

    Just curious
  3. pattonfreak1

    free 64 bit antivirus?

    Does anyone know of any? I've searched google and I can't exactly find any. I've downloaded a few installers that I*thought*were 64 bit only to have them install in the (x86) section. Any help in this area fellers? EDIT: Windows 8.1
  4. pattonfreak1

    R.I.P Oderous Urungus :(

  5. pattonfreak1

    Steven Slate Drums 4 custom question

    Does it require I-Lok?
  6. pattonfreak1

    How to create album art? (free preferably)

    Can anyone give me some insight as to creating album cover art? I'm looking for a way (free ) to create an album cover and I'm wondering what ways I can go about doing so. Are there any programs or websites that can help me in creating art or pictures and arrange words like band name and title...
  7. pattonfreak1

    Another new Meshuggah tune... Better than the other one. I like how this is shaping up. :kickass:
  8. pattonfreak1

    Mercuriall Cab Sim? Any one seen/tried it yet? Seems it has inputs specifically for x50 and 8505...
  9. pattonfreak1

    Ho... Lee... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  10. pattonfreak1

    James Van Doren dies at 72

    Best shoes ever made :( James Van Doren dies at 72; co-founder of Vans shoes
  11. pattonfreak1

    Stupid question I know, but what site do YOU use for your band?

    I know it's prolly been asked a billion times but I'm wondering what site gives the user the best options/sound quality. So if you could only use one site to host your band/music which would you pick?
  12. pattonfreak1

    question about alternate tuning for 8 strings

    I am getting ready to purchase a Schecter 8 string with a 26.5" scale and I've heard a few reports of the scale not quite being long enough for the low F#, resulting in it being "floppy". So I intended to tune the low F# up to G to compensate. Would it be okay to tune the rest of the strings...
  13. pattonfreak1

    Anonymous hacks Westboro Baptist Church website during interview

    :muahaha: is down as well...
  14. pattonfreak1

    Going to see MOTORHEAD tonight...

    ...with CLUTCH! Should be a vulgar display of liquor!
  15. pattonfreak1

    i have an idea for a vst... i think...

    Imagine if you will, a combo multi-band distortion, compressor, multi-band hp-lp filter. First band is the lows. There's a hp filter and a lp filter. The lp filter is an adjustable crossover point for the next (mids) band in which the crossover point for the low band low pass acts as a hi pass...
  16. pattonfreak1

    antone see this? (torpedo vst) Was wondering if anyone has used the hardware...
  17. pattonfreak1

    BTE TS' Secret updated to 2.0
  18. pattonfreak1

    NBD! (new bass day)

    Got a Rondo Music SX Ursa MN 5 string bass for Xmas. $180 after shipping. Gotta say I'm VERY impressed! Here's a sample with a riff I ripped off from Bulb. Just thumpin on the open low B string. Love it...
  19. pattonfreak1

    Help me choose a new bass (2 options)

    Can't decide so do it for me please :waah: or I'm thinking its a choice between a "high-end" (lol) SX or a "low-end" (lol-er) Douglas. If you had to pick...
  20. pattonfreak1

    Are there ANY Slate cymbal samples that are good?

    So I purchased SSD-EX no brainer and the cymbals are atrocious. So my remedy was to use the OH's from DFH and the kick, snare, toms of SSD. Its a routing nightmare and uses almost a third of my cpu. So my question is, are there any expansion packs for SSD with cymbals that sound as good...