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  1. Harrison West

    Mix These Raw Stems! The original song is in the folder as well. :rock: They are all raw tracks. 135BPM The song is kickass. I need someone else to mix this shit. PM or send me a message Eli Rises
  2. Harrison West

    ELI RISES MIX DISEASE :::MIX HELP:::: Guitar mid range i would like to work out? Any suggestions? The vocals seem thin, they are doubled, also using maxxbass.... hm... i havent listened to it in my car yet though, just headphones. any advice would be super...
  3. Harrison West

    Mid Range Madness ...Guitars

    Ive got this mix sitting pretty well and sounding really good in the car for the most part. Im trying to use the good surgical EQ method and cut away problem areas on the guitars but I cant figure out what to do with the midrange. Ive been trying to compare it to the newer TCM cd. How do...
  4. Harrison West

    Typical Metal Shit here, whispered screams.. pod farm. slate drums. the singing is all rough takes and quiet to hear how the melodies are flowing. also whispered screams so i dont blow my voice out tryin a bunch of different shit.