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    Extreme/Technical Progressive metal band - GODS OF EDEN

    Hey guys, Just plugging my new band we are releasing our debut EP in the next month. Our style is along the lines of technical progressive metal. Very technical, LOTS of time signature changes, acoustic/flamenco parts along with lots of soundtrack influences. If you're looking at...
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    Extreme/Technical Progressive metal band - GODS OF EDEN

    Hey guys, Just plugging my new band we are releasing our debut EP in the next month. Our style is along the lines of technical progressive metal. Very technical, LOTS of time signature changes, acoustic/flamenco parts along with lots of soundtrack influences. If you're looking at...
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    Extreme/Technical Progressive metal band - GODS OF EDEN

    Hey guys just been doing a recording for my new band. The style is prog influenced with very technical sections, LOTS of time signature changes, acoustic/flamenco influenced parts and lots of soundtrack style influences. If you think you might dig something a bit left field then please take a...
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    New tech/prog/soundtrack influenced metal band - Home Recording

    Just thought I would share my latest band recording with you guys here, after spending quite a few years experimenting with quite a lot of effects/pre-amps, impulse responses etc.. I have finally found what I believe to be a decent sounding home recording and EP quality. Actually I learned a lot...
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    New tech/prog/soundtrack influenced metal band from Sydney

    We're a new band from Sydney called "Gods of Eden" we play what you could probably describe as technical/progressive metal with soundtrack influences. Lyrical themes deal in such themes as conspiracies, alternate histories, dystopia, ufology and much more. We have 2 songs up from our upcoming...
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    Home almost commercial quality (???) metal recordings if you want to check out

    I recorded this using a shitload of plug ins: Drums i hooked up the drummer from an electric kit then used Superior Drummer 2 sounds Guitars a Digitech GSP1101 taking out it's amb simulator and replacing it with impulse responses Bass used the Ampeg plug in again with impulse responses All...