Search results

  1. pikachu69

    Live sound question!

    I am helping a friend re vamp a small music venue. When I say small I mean a cap of round 150 people or so, more at a squash. He had some bigger dual powered 15 inch Mackie speakers in house which were nice but they were too big and took a lot of audience room and view of the stage so he has...
  2. pikachu69

    Midas M32 as recording console? Please help!

    I am currently working on building a studio but I am really stuck on what console/pres etc to run. I don't have the budget to think about large format consoles but I do want as many inputs as possible. For what I can tell the Midas M32 is the cheapest way to get 32 premium pre amps. I...
  3. pikachu69

    Please help with a studio build

    I am in the very beginning stages of planning a studio build. I have a reasonable budget to work with. I am not aiming to build a world class studio, my budget is not that big but I want something industry standard as possible with brands musicians will be happy to record on/with. M...
  4. pikachu69

    Slate new subscription licence debate.

    I know there are a few conversations going on here and gear sluts but I could not find a dedicated thread on here so I thought I would ask a few questions for you all to answer.... I have read all the threads on gear sluts and on here, I have read the info on the Slate web site and I do...
  5. pikachu69

    Black Friday deals?

    Any one know where the deals are at this year for Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Finally have some spare cash and wanna take advantage of some people. Cheers, Nigel.
  6. pikachu69

    Best time to by plugins?

    I know that there is the Black Friday sale coming soon but so is xmas so I was wondering if you guys could give any hints as to when the best time to buy is generally speaking? I want to get a few plugins right now but am holding off just in case so any advice will be awesome thanks.
  7. pikachu69

    Can we talk about attack and release times?

    The correct settings on a compressor are aways a hot debate and I understand fully that there is no one magic setting and I am not hunting for presets. What I want you to share is your reasonings for your 'go to' starting point with a specific instrument/s in mind when dialling in a...
  8. pikachu69

    Izotope ozone vs advanced version

    Hey guys, I know a lot of you like to use Ozone for mastering and I downloaded the demo recently and I really like the sound of it a lot. The big question though is: Is the advanced version worth the considerable extra money? I know there is a lot of talk around this on other forums but I...
  9. pikachu69

    People in LA, please help. LA music awards...

    I am calling for help from anyone that has had experience with the LA Music Awards (LAMA) I live a long way away form LA, in New Zealand, so I know nothing of LA or these awards so please excuse me if this seems like a silly question. I am a teacher at a music school and one of my former...
  10. pikachu69

    business question

    Hello, I have a question for those who own/run their own business. (studio or otherwise) I know this will be different in various countries but I want to get some opinions while I research my options. I recently did some live sound work for someone. I provided them with an invoice for...
  11. pikachu69

    End of the loudness war? Does anyone have any more info on this?
  12. pikachu69

    Rim shot sample needed

    I am in need of a rim shot sample suitable for modern reggae. If anyone knows a link or is willing to share a sample I would be very grateful, thanks. :rock:
  13. pikachu69

    Is there a standard rate for paying your Feat. artist?

    I am working with a band that are recording their debut album with me after 3 successful single releases. They are in a position to do well off the back of this album so they have asked a well known artist to collaborate on a track in order to boost sales. I feel they have been over charged...
  14. pikachu69

    Mastering question: dealing with large transients

    I have been given a track to master (no stems, just stereo mixdown) and the drums are too loud overall and the transients are sticking up well above the body of music. How would you deal with this situation? Expander? Compressor? Transient designer? m/s processing? If I clip or limit to...
  15. pikachu69

    programmed drums question...

    Hey all, When using programmed drums such as superior, (and choose not to add any extra samples/blends etc) do you find you still have to mix each track (kick, snare etc) or are you just processing the over drum buss and/or do you still split to separate busses for KSTH, cymbals, room and...
  16. pikachu69

    Editing needed for up-coming production

    Hi, I have a classic metal album I will be starting in a couple of months and due to timing issues I have to look for someone else to take over the editing. I have never hired anyone else to do this before so I am not aware of current prices or peoples prefered methods so please feel free to...
  17. pikachu69

    Help me put together a music school programme

    Hello to you all. I currently work as a lecturer at a local music school. We teach a curriculum from another music school but we have been asked to write out own curriculum. I have made a good start writing this but I thought it may be nice to get some input from some industry pros and the...
  18. pikachu69

    The Mini Band

    Worth a look if you ask me.
  19. pikachu69

    emulating full analogue signal flow with plugins

    I know about plugins that do this (I own VCC and VTM) but I wanted to know the best way to achieve identical signal flow as if I was recording in a pure analogue setting. I have never had the chance to record in a 'real' studio so I have not seen or heard the effects of analogue recording stage...
  20. pikachu69

    School library update time! recommend me some boooks to buy!

    I know there has been the odd thread about in the past talking about books and the like but I want to get a more complete idea of what you guys have read and will recommend for a small college librarys sound engineering department. I have been told provide a wish list and to not be shy so any...