Search results

  1. paul545

    Good Doom albums of 2016?

    Haven't heard much doom from last year (or this year). Tried Khemmis and Subrosa and haven't really enjoyed either of those, though I liked Khemmis' previous album. What newish doom have you guys enjoyed?
  2. paul545

    Sorrowful/melancholic but not depressing/bleak

    Probably thinking doom metal. Looking for something that conjures a similar to feeling to While Heaven Wept or maybe Warning... Something that is sad and mournful but not so much bleak or depressing in the way DSBM is.
  3. paul545

    Awesome Album Art Kicking Your Arss

    so basically like the thread 'albums kicking your ass' but now with just the album art - regardless of how the music is, post awesome art you come across.