Search results

  1. William

    King Diamond

    I remember seeing a thread for King Diamond before but cant find it now... anyway I would LOVE to see him at '04 and im sure there are plenty of others (possibly not on this forum) who would too. Should at least be contacted :)
  2. William

    Dark Funeral, Finntroll and Haggard

    I remember Dark Funeral and Finntroll were very likely to play 02, but for different reasons couldnt. So how about one of them for 2004? Also Haggard would make me very happy :) (
  3. William

    Looking at the lineup...

    Yes there are more big bands than ever, but something is missing IMO. I think the power and traditional metal is sorted, but there is a sure lack of Black, Death, Thrash and Doom metal. I know the money isnt there to bring in as many big bands as people want, but next time id like to see more...
  4. William

    Old Mortiis Reissue?

    It would be awsome if some hard to get stuff was pressed with bonus tracks of even more rare stuff. Im thinking Anden som gjorde oppror + (bonus tracks) The songs of a long forgotten ghost (demo) Keiser av en dimension ukjent + (bonus tracks) Blood and Thunder (rare 7" with 2 songs) I...
  5. William

    Talk Doom on... new
  6. William

    2004 Band Lineup

    This gets posted every year a few times I know, but its a cool thread! :cool: Heres my realistic lineup Friday Halford Girlschool Doro (unsigned british band here) Mainstage Gamma Ray Therion Primal Fear Kreator Thunderstone White Skull (smaller british band to open)...
  7. William

    Mourning Beloveth (Ireland)

    I recently checked out this band as id seen some good reviews of their last album. Its really great stuff, doom metal like My Dying Bride but without the violins etc. How about them at bloodstock then? I think they would go down well, especially if MDB or another doom band dont play...
  8. William

    Nevermore and Katatonia

    I was just thinking of some other bands that would make good additions, and these are deffinately 2 of them. What do you think?
  9. William

    Some bands id like to see

    I posted this on the old board. but now it is no more.. so im gonna put what id like to see here Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome. Nevermore-They just rule! My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too Haggard-Would be good on main...