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  1. zerostatic

    Evile - The Unknown

    Thoughts on the new Evile album? After repeated listens I am coming to appreciate it. I miss the all out thrashers of Enter the Grave and Five Serpents Teeth but appreciate that Ol has improved his vocals and written some good songs. I rank it in the middle of Evile discography and see myself...
  2. zerostatic

    Favorite albums of 2012

    Been a good year for metal, what are your favorite albums thus far? Also, any killer releases in the upcoming months that I should look forward to? My favorite albums that have been released this year are the following: 1) Testament - Dark Roots of Earth. I am really impressed with this...
  3. zerostatic

    Favorite albums of 2011?

    The title says it all. What are your favorites albums that were released this year? I've been cleaning my place and listening to this year's purchases all day and here are my top ten: 1) Evile - Five Serpent's Teeth :worship: What a great album. The vocal are much improved and the...
  4. zerostatic

    mp3 or cd?

    Since purchasing a Zune player two years ago I have moved away from listening to cds. I'm not one for illegal downloading of music, but I am wrestling with whether it is worth it to start purchasing new releases in mp3 format via the zune marketplace or amazon rather than purchasing an actual...