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  1. ads24

    New Mix - Advice!

    Working on improving my mix, would be awesome if i could get advice to improve it/constructive criticism! Im going for a sound probably similair to that of memphis may fire. Cheers
  2. ads24

    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    Been working on a new mix for my band, slightly djenty feel, just seeing if anyone had any ideas or ways i could improve the mix! no vocals at the moment. Cheers
  3. ads24

    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    Been working on a new mix for my band, slightly djenty feel, just seeing if anyone had any ideas or ways i could improve the mix! no vocals at the moment. Cheers
  4. ads24

    Kick and Bass, mix tips, HELP!

    Hi, just working on how the kick sits together with the bass in my mix, would be very useful if you had any advice on how i could improve this! With R bass: Without R bass: Cheers
  5. ads24

    Bass and Kick mix HELP!

    Hi, just working on how the kick sits together with the bass in my mix, would be very useful if you had any advice on how i could improve this! With R bass: Without R bass: Cheers
  6. ads24

    Advice Needed on mix!!

    Been working on a new mix recently, just looking for any advice on how to improve it!!
  7. ads24

    New Hardcore STEMS

    Would anyone want stems for a mix or play around with if i did some more on this song and maybe did some vocals for it?
  8. ads24

    Advice on mix!!

    hey, this is just a song ive been making for some fun, still fairly new to producing and have had a go mixing it, any advice on the mix would be appreciated! havent bothered fading and cutting everything properly so my bad on some of the random clipping...
  9. ads24

    Post Hardcore STEMS

    hey im just pretty bored, and started tracking some guitars and bass for something, was wondering if anyone would fancy mixing it if i posted the stems? as some people have seemed pretty keen on the previous post :)
  10. ads24

    Advice on post-hardcore mix!

    any criticisms and ideas to improve the mix would be appreciated! the chorussy bit sounds a bit weak atm, need to double track guitars, cheers.
  11. ads24

    mixing kick 10

    hey, i have kick 10 and even the sample raw sounds sweet, but when i try to mix it it doesnt have the anywhere near same impact as in a sturgis song. any ideas of how to mix it better? cheers
  12. ads24

    help with mix! Shikari cover

    Hi, im pretty new to production etc, and just wanted some advice on how to improve my mix/master etc! I recorded the end of a Enter Shikari song, 'Ok time for plan B' instruments arent recorded hugely tightly, but wanted more advice on the mix etc itslef! the link is here...