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  1. nodoubtaholic

    The most metal cat ever.

    I just stumbled on this video on Tumblr and collapsed into a pile of crying laughter. Maybe others here won't find it as funny as I do, but I have a wacky sense of humor. This guy is the lead singer of the band that is playing, he got a little drunk one night by himself and did this. His band...
  2. nodoubtaholic

    Shameless Plug aka I'm Back!

    Some of you may or may not have heard where I've been the last week and a half! I've been in Australia!.. I can't divulge too much about why other than I was with my brother, who is a very talented singer. He was chosen for a new show that's going to start airing July 9th, called Opening Act...
  3. nodoubtaholic

    Imaginaerum - The Movie

    I just noticed there was no real specific place to discuss the upcoming film and had a bit of something I wanted to share about it. If there is a place and I missed it, please feel free to direct me in that direction. Just found this on Tumblr, originally posted on "While in...
  4. nodoubtaholic

    Other Nightwish Interviews/Articles

    I really just wanted to share this new interview I found today. Tuomas actually carries with him the ticket stub to the infamous Metallica/GnR show he went to in KC as a kid. The interviewer actually took a photo of it. So hilarious...