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  1. Frak

    Can anyone help me get this bass tone?

    Hey guys, This bass tone is absolutely fantastic, and I'm trying to reference it for my bands EP release. No matter how hard I try, the only part of my bass' top end that cuts through are annoying ringing frequencies, and EQing them out makes my bass just not cut anymore... any tips on...
  2. Frak

    The Updated Multis to Mix Thread

    Hey guys, There used to be a thread on here which compiled all the multi-track raws that people had uploaded for our mixing practice. It was super handy until it became out of date and a lot of the download links became dead. I plan on building a new compilation, which will remain up to date...
  3. Frak

    Which Drum Samples Do You Find Yourself Using A Lot?

    Hey guys, Every man and his dog is selling his own set of drum samples these days, so I was wondering which ones you guys are digging in circumstances where you can't track live drums at all - in a metal context. Personally I've been using the Superior Drummer Avatar Kit a lot with the...
  4. Frak

    Noise Problems - What Have I Done Wrong?

    Hey guys, Don't know if this should've went in backline or not but here it is. I just recently wired up my BKP Nailbomb to my RGD321. Sounds like I'm having grounding issues, but everything definitely seems wired up correctly judging from countless charts. The pickup is 4 conductor, but I'm...
  5. Frak

    New Modular Analog Saturator?

    Saw this come up in my YouTube feed today from the guys at DIY Recording... what do you guys think? I think its an interesting idea - considering grabbing one, but I thought I'd get everyone's opinions first.
  6. Frak

    Need Some Unbiased Ears for a Cabinet Impulse A/B

    Hey guys, I've been using the same cabinet impulse for a very long time now. I've decided to try out a few different ones, and I think I may have found one I like better (after scavenging through countless packs). I was wondering if someone could listen to this short clip A/Bing the...
  7. Frak

    EVH 5150iii Preamp Out Question

    Hey guys, Just recently got a 5150iii and I was planning on using the preamp out with some cabinet impulses as the cab I have at the moment isn't very good. Which input should I be running into on my interface? Line in or instrument in? And which type of cable should I be using? Balanced...
  8. Frak

    All The Small Things (Blink 182 Cover) - Raw DIs Inside!

    Hey guys, Yesterday I got bored so I decided to track an easy song for some mixing practice. I decided to do something a lot less metal and cover this pop-punk classic. It turned out okay and I had a lot of fun mixing it, so I figured I'd share it with you all...
  9. Frak

    Weird Guitar String Noise?

    Hey guys, First of all, sorry if this is in the wrong section, wasn't overly sure where to post it. I just refinished one of my old guitars and replaced all the hardware with high end stuff, and I've noticed that there's a weird ringing that happens, mostly when I palm mute, but it happens...
  10. Frak

    Some More Of My Band's Alt-Rock!

    Hey guys, Just updated the mix on one of my band's older demos - was wondering what you all thought about both the mix and the song itself. Its definitely not metal by any means, more of an alt-rock sound. Thanks!
  11. Frak

    Time for a new ~$400 vocal mic

    Hey guys, I'm long overdue for a new studio vocal mic, and I've got together some money now so I was wondering what you would all recommend? Unfortunately, not a lot of stores around here sell microphones, so I don't have much opportunity to test any. The mic would mainly be used for male rock...
  12. Frak

    First Time Micing a Real Amp

    So, I've been recording myself and others for about 2 years now, but I've been so ITB and low on equipment that I've never actually even bothered micing a real amp. Today, I was bored and I decided it would be fun to mic up my Peavey Classic 50 with a capless SM58. I was soooo suprised with how...
  13. Frak

    Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 vs Liquid Saffire 56

    Hey guys, I've recently saved up enough money to replace my current cheap interface. I'm tossing up between the Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 and the Liquid Saffire 56. In short, is the liquid saffire worth an extra $400? I'm in Australia and I can get the Pro 40 for $500, but I can only find...
  14. Frak

    How's This Alt-Rock Mix?

    Hey guys, Just finished demoing out my band's EP to for pre-production and I'm feeling pretty happy with the mixes. Since we'll be mixing and mastering the EP ourselves, I was looking for some feedback on the mixes of these demos...
  15. Frak

    (Very) Partial Underoath Cover Mix

    Hey guys, I'm a massive fan of the mix on Define the Great Line and as a result I decided to record myself playing a snippet of "Everyone Looks So Good From Here" and give it a mix and master referencing the original. I only got up to the guitar effects part and didn't want to try replicate...
  16. Frak

    Come Bash My Completely ITB Metalcore Mix... please?

    Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of mixing my second ever paid job for a local metalcore band, and I was keen to get some feedback on the mix/master of one of the songs. Feel free to pick on anything production related!
  17. Frak

    Dat Whitechapel Self-Titled Mix

    I'll just start by saying the mix on this album is fucking ridiculous. Anyhow, I've been spamming it in my playlists lately, and one thing I keep growing curious about is how the hell they got that vocal sound. It's like, crazy warm without sounding like flab. Super fat. It's really...
  18. Frak

    Pickup Suggestions for SSH Ibanez

    Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of fixing up one of my cheap Ibanez guitars and I've come to the part where I have to make a decision on new pickups. I play a lot of tech/prog metal, so something that is well suited for that would be nice. I'm a big fan of the sort of tones that Kieth...
  19. Frak

    Come bash my song!

    Hey guys, looking for some critique on this song before I finalize it and upload it. Keen for opinions on anything about it, but especially the mixing and mastering. Thanks! High Quality Dropbox: Soundcloud:
  20. Frak

    Cover of "Mr Brightside" by The Killers

    Hey, Decided to record a cover of Mr Brightside with my band, Fighting For Ramona, for fun. Ended up being pretty happy with the result. Keen to hear what you guys think of the mix. :) If you guys like it enough I might put up the raw files for you guys to mix...