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  1. Igor Samurovic

    Ibanez SR 305 DX

    I've seen this bass is discontinued, and I can get one really cheap, the active 4 knob version, it'd be fun to have a 5 string around, even if 'beginner'. Are they any good?
  2. Igor Samurovic

    Quick fix for CPS?

    I put this here because I'd like to see how producers see it, and since many producers here are also guitar players as well: When you absolutely have to finish something, but your hand(s) is/are too occupied with CTS, what is the best way to cure it, if for a few hours? I've heard it's actually...
  3. Igor Samurovic

    "From Mars To Sirius"

    People are very divided on the sound of this album, people either think it really has a very unique production (in a good way) or they think it's ear piercing. However, mind boggles: how does one produce a tone like this? It's really beyond me, the rig is apparently a custom jackson soloist...
  4. Igor Samurovic

    Fretless in metal, string choice

    So uh, I want to put new strings on my fretless and use it to record metal. It has this incredibly middy sound that eats the whole mix which is great, I can really use subtractive EQ to slice away anything I don't want/like or isn't usefull, while not boosting anything, there it's a killer...
  5. Igor Samurovic

    The "empty midrange" syndrome

    This tends to happen to me way too often. I mix tracks so that each has the unique part of the spectrum it's prominent at. And it works pretty well, except for one major problem. After I have done all of this, I realize my guitar starts sounding really boxy. I decrease some of the 500-800 range...
  6. Igor Samurovic

    Symphonic/digital sounding metal composition

    I actually used Slayer 2 by ReFX here, mostly for composition purposes, later it turned out I actually like how it sounds (against all odds, it's sorta dubstepish on nonmuted notes!). Drums are SD 2, obviously, synths are some free ones I've scavanged around the net. Bass guitar is also Slayer...
  7. Igor Samurovic

    That crazy mechanical "Remembrance" sound Okay, I get it, mutes and kick blend perfectly, but still, how is this sound produced? How is it possibly to make a guitar sound like that?
  8. Igor Samurovic

    What exactly do IR loaders do - or go with no IR at all?

    I've noticed there's a great difference among IR loaders' frequency responses, such as keFir being much darker than MixIR and LeCab 2 being somewhere in the middle. Does anybody know if those plugins (especially interested in LeCab 2 since I am using it) do anything else than add an EQ curve to...
  9. Igor Samurovic

    Frequency Analyzer VSTs

    There are several questions I'd like to ask here: 1) What do people generally think about the use of frequency analyzers and does it take or add something to production 2) Which one is the best? I've heard good things about Waves Frequency Analyzer though I've heard somewhat of a downside is...
  10. Igor Samurovic

    Guitars off - the rest of the mix seems fine I have a weird feeling when guitars come into the mix, it seems as if they have too much of something, but I cannot find what it is. Anybody with a fresh set of ears here? Speaking of rhythm guitars, of course.
  11. Igor Samurovic

    Why do people hate/dislike Gojira?

    I don't really get it. People keep claiming Gojira's not heavy or something, that Gojira sucks and so on, but the reality is that they're heavy in a completely different way than most bands out there, they've got an unique tone to go with their style. What are YOUR thoughts on this? I also...
  12. Igor Samurovic

    Weird chirping sound

    Ok, my guitar is chirping way too much and it is really annoying cause I have to scoop the mids to get rid of the chirp on every single pick attack! I've got the guitar with steel strings installed, could they cause the trouble? Since steel offers more resistance than nickel, could that be the...
  13. Igor Samurovic

    Loudness war or presence war?

    I've been thinking about the fact that I can't turn any recent records loud enough to really enjoy them, because they're produced in such a fashion that presence is greatly increased during mastering. Now, that 1200-4000 range on most modern mastered and vintage remastered mixes is just too damn...
  14. Igor Samurovic

    Not sure if doing it right

    Here are two short snippets: Guitar tone: Screamer simulation: TSE 808 Amp simulation: x50 Impulse response: one of God's Cab impulses (57_TS_1_inch_cap_pres_3.wav) Bass tone: GTR (Edge amp, 15 bass...