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  1. Gujukal

    My bands new single (With Über Cüwl Lyric Video)

    So my band released this Lyric video yesterday, i mixed and Sturgis mastered it, produced it all and made the lyric video. It was my first lyric video and first time i really used Adobe After Effects, so it's not perfect ^^
  2. Gujukal

    My bands new single (With Über Cüwl Lyric Video)

    So my band released this Lyric video yesterday, i mixed, produced it all and made the lyric video. It was my first lyric video and first time i really used Adobe After Effects, so it's not perfect ^^
  3. Gujukal

    Conqueror Studios – Mixing/Mastering/Re-amping/Editing/Songwriting

    Conqueror Studios – Mixing/Mastering/Re-amping/Editing/Songwriting Soundcloud Profile Conqueror Studios is a new founded studio who offers professional music production services at an extremely affordable price. Our main genres is modern metal, metalcore, hardcore, rock etc but we accept all...
  4. Gujukal

    Conqueror Studios – Mixing/Mastering/Re-amping/Editing/Songwriting

    Conqueror Studios – Mixing/Mastering/Re-amping/Editing/Songwriting Soundcloud Profile Conqueror Studios is a new founded studio who offers professional music production services at an extremely affordable price. Our main genres is modern metal, metalcore, hardcore, rock etc but we accept...
  5. Gujukal

    What mastering house is best for metal/hardcore?

    So im soon done with my band's album and we want it professionally mastered. But first we will release a single and i need it mastered. Which studio should i choose? I've been thinking about Joey Sturgis or 4D Sounds, which would you prefer?
  6. Gujukal

    Needs some fresh ear on this bad boy

    So my band will release our second EP/Album this fall and this song will be soon released as a single. I've really struggled with the vocals and stuff the last week with it so i would need some pair of fresh ears and point out if their is something in the mix that needs to be changed to make it...
  7. Gujukal

    Need mix crit on Post-Hardcore song

    Hi! My band is releasing this song soon as a single and i would love some feedback on da mix. We will maybe send it to Joey to get it mastered, do u guys think its worth it? I think my mastering is decent but it will only be about 8$ per band member to get it mastered so its no biggie. Mix...
  8. Gujukal

    Über Djent - POD Farm Preset!

    So another Pod Farm preset for you guys! I tried to make a tone that sounds a bit more extreme than the usual Joey Sturgis tone you hear around here. It's only 3$ since it's my first tone! This is the perfect preset if u want a nice clean djenty tone without sounding overly harsh...
  9. Gujukal

    Mixing crit on Melodic Hardcore Mix (The Ghost Inside, Parkway Drive style)

    So I'm mixing and mastering an EP for a hardcore band, been mixing a lot the last days so I need some fresh ears on this one. They had some pretty specific requirements and they didn't want it to sound overproduced like most metalcore bands these days. Here's the mix...
  10. Gujukal

    Need help with what snare sample to use for a band

    Im currently mixing an EP for a melodic hardcore band and i need help with what snare sample i should use to get this snare sound: Im usually a fan of fatter and bigger sounding snares but this band wanted this sound. I got Slate 3.5 Platinum so i...
  11. Gujukal

    Vocal Processing

    I'm just curious about how u guys process your vocals, especially clean vox. I usually use this chain: Melodyne - Compressor - Delay - EQ - D82 Maximizer and then i use a separate bus for reverb. On my duplicated track i use the same stuff but with some different EQ and sometimes i skip the...
  12. Gujukal

    Band names

    In this thread i thought we could give each other crits on band names or help creating new ones. Im about to start a new band/project and im thinking about calling it: "I, The Conqueror". I'm not sure if its to close to I The Breather, what do u think? I'm also thinking about: "The King, The...
  13. Gujukal

    New song with my 7-string (WIP)

    So i decided to play around with my 7-string guitar and came up with this. I like the bass and most of the drums, maybe the kick is a tad too loud? What do u guys think?
  14. Gujukal

    Cool atmospheric/cinematic intro i made

    Just wanted to share an intro im currently working on. It's not done yet so i will add stuff to it and maybe change some of it. It will probably have some sort of vocals in it, maybe similiar to the ones in Without Walls - MMF :) Would love some constructive critique to make it better! Here it...
  15. Gujukal

    Good middle-eastern VSTi?

    Just wondering if anyone knows any nice VSTi with middle-eastern instruments like Sitars and stuff? I've heard a lot of those types of instruments in a lot of new djent/progressive metal bands lately and i just wonder what they use.
  16. Gujukal

    Need crit on this, both mixing/songwriting/mastering

    I'm currently working on a new song for my band and i would appreciate some critique on it. I made the mastering and most of mixing from scratch, except some of the drums. There is no screams since the screamer in my band is supposed to do that :)...
  17. Gujukal

    Brutal guitar tone (Periphery, ITB, Born of Osiris)

    Just wanted to know what u guys about this guitar tone: I tried to make a tone similar to Periphery and I The Breather especially. I made a EQ tone match with Ozone of one of the songs on the first Periphery album and then created an IR of...
  18. Gujukal

    My band: Reason To Regret debute-EP

    Just wanted to tell you guys that my band has released our EP and it would be cool if you could check us out. Would be nice to hear what you think and what i could improve on with the production until next time :) Spotify: Facebook...
  19. Gujukal

    What is a reasonable price for mixing an EP?

    So a band asked me what it would cost to get their 4-6 track EP mixed. I said around 230-300 $ depending on how much work including mastering. 50$ per song is pretty fair right? Since I'm not a pro but not a noob either :P
  20. Gujukal

    Another song for you to crit :)

    This time i tried to fix the guitars and reduce some of the upper mid freqs, I've also bought Yamaha HS-80M monitors and tried mixing with them. The mix sounds great in those compared to my headphones but i notices that the vocals seems a lot louder on my monitors than headphones, is there any...