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    Free Editing & Mixing

    Hi all! It's been a minute. I'm wrapping up an audio engineering degree and internship and would like to build a more diverse portfolio (I've primarily been working with country bands). I'm willing to edit, mix, and possibly master any original tracks you may have. PM for more info. Have a good one!
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    Reamping Services.

    I've benefited a lot from ultimate metal esp. this particular forum so its time to give a little back. If you are capable of quality reamping send me a dm or just resound with your rates etc.. so we may discuss a new project of mine. Thanks all!
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    Logic Tone Test

    I've been playing with logic's guitar plugins as of late and have thrown together a quick mix to get some feedback. Let me know what you think about the tone. Thanks!
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    Tone Beast 12

    Hi, All. I recently recorded in a studio equipped with a tb12 and had the opportunity to play with it. I loved it and purchased one myself. Now that I am home I cannot produce any sound with it. My chain is guitar-tb12-pro40-logic. Both the tb12 and pro 40 show that input is received but my daw...
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    Electronic Project

    Totally unrelated to metal but I've started working on a dark trance album, and have released an EP. I'd really like some feedback. Thanks!
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    KRK Rokit Gen 3's?

    Anybody had a chance to purchase or try the new rokit generation? I liked the gen 2's 6 inch monitor and wondered if the new model was comparable, better, or worse. Thanks!
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    Hardcore Band From Nashville TN

    New EP up for pre order by The God We Create in Nashville, TN check it out if you're interested.
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    Hardcore EP

    Just put this up for pre-order if anyone is interested
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    New Solo Project EP

    Hey dudes, before I post 5 song previews, I wondered If you guys would be down to give me some feedback on my songwriting. I just wrapped up recording my first EP and wanted to get some solid opinions on my musical direction. I can post all the songs If you guys are up to it. I still need to mix...
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    New EP.

    Hey dudes, before I post 5 songs, I wondered If you guys would be down to give me some feedback on my songwriting. I just wrapped up recording my first EP and wanted to get some solid opinions on my musical direction. I can post all the songs If you guys are up to it. I still need to mix and...
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    Critique my mix. UPDATED.

    I posted this same song a while back and have since worked on the drums and the bass. Let me know what you think. This version isn't near complete but I want some feedback before a really mix and master. Thanks! here is the link:
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    Need Help With Bass

    Hey dudes, I've been working big time on improving my mixes and I think my weakest point right now is bass. I am really struggling to make it sound massive but not stick out in the mix. I use logic and am currently trying the ola 2 track method but it isn't really working for me. Any tips? how...
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    Nearly Brand New Shure SM7B

    I have for sale a nearly new SM7b mic. It come with original packaging boom cover and back plate. I have it posted up on ebay. I started the bidding low. This is my first item to sell and I'm only shipping in the U.S. (sorry european homies) Anyways happy bidding if you are interested! here is...
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    Hey dudes, I just released a single on bandcamp for free and although it has been released I would still love some feedback on the song, the mix, and any other crits/ compliments you may have. I'm pretty stoked on it but really want to know what you think. You can listen to it or download it...
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    Hey dudes, I just released a single on bandcamp for free and although it has been released I would still love some feedback on the song, the mix, and any other crits/ compliments you may have. I'm pretty stoked on it but really want to know what you think. You can listen to it or download it...
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    Pre Amp for Vocals.

    I have been browsing the forum looking for opinions on pre amps and have not found anything very up to date. I am looking for a solid pre amp for mostly screaming vocals. My budget is around $500. I'm currently using an at4050 and a Nuemann KMS 105 (mostly the nuemann) I am borrowing a symetrix...
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    Attempting Match EQ for the first time.

    So I am going to use izotope EQ to match and create and IR. I realize this has been discussed bet I am aiming for the new BMTH sempiternal tone/ Hundredth Let Go tone and wondered if anybody new a song from either band to use to the best affect. I've been listening to the stuff it just takes a...
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    Going to attempt Match EQing

    So I have Izotope EQ and I am going to try the match eqing since it seems to be highly recommended. I am aiming for the new BMTH sempiternal/ Hundredth Let Go tone. Any song recommendations with guitar parts to match? Thanks! I hate to be that guy and It's okay if it isnt cool but could anyone...
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    Getting That Huge Guitar Tone.

    Hey guys I am working on another project and am trying to get my guitars to sound huge in the mix. Any suggestions on how to do this i.e EQing etc... Could I eq out low end on the guitar and let the bass fill it in and if so how exactly would I do that. I am not very knowledgeable about guitar...
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    Thoughts on an Orange Dark Terror

    Hey dudes, recently came upon a deal in my area to snag a dark terror for $350. I have been writing an EP and really want to re record with real guitars. Anyways what do you guys think about the amp for the price and in general? Thanks!