Search results

  1. Black Lagoon

    Anyone else doing Sonisphere?

    I've been lucky enough to win tickets (along with thousands of others as aparently only 12,000 were sold as it's so f*ckin expensive), so will be off this afternoon to drive up there. Saw Anthrax at Hellfest with DN and I must say they were awesome and DN fitted in perfectly, but I have to say...
  2. Black Lagoon

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    Can anyone help me on this? I know Lionheart, The Inner Sanctum and Heavy Metal Thunder were available on vinyl, but were any other the others since Forever Free?
  3. Black Lagoon Inner Sanctum album review There it is, my album review, let me know what you think and then feel free to have a look at the rest of the site and leave any feedback on the forum. :rock:
  4. Black Lagoon

    Another good Inner Sanctum review

    This time from SAXON The Inner Sanctum (SPV) Reviewed by : Mark Gromen Rating : 8.0 Of all the...
  5. Black Lagoon

    My Inner Sanctum review....

    .... will be published on when the next issue comes out on the 13th March! :) If you could I'd appreciate a read of it and any feedback you like on the forum for the magazine.. and check out the back issues if you've got time. Basically though, fuck me it's a beauty...
  6. Black Lagoon

    Saxon vest top up for grabs.

    Just having a bit of a turn out and also got a Saxon England vest up for grabs if anyone is interested. Here's the link to all my stuff.
  7. Black Lagoon

    Saxon and other patches up for sale.

    If anyone out there is interested I'm getting rid of a load of my old patches including a few Saxon ones. Check out this link if you are. Cheers
  8. Black Lagoon

    Hello, I'm back at last!

    Yep, after years away from here I'm back again! Stepped out of the dark ages and got me a pc at home now. So hello again to Paxoman, Wilks, Sammi and everyone else I can't remember! :)
  9. Black Lagoon

    Fancy being on TV with the boys?!

    Hi Guys n gals, Have a read of the blurb below, and if this sounds like something you would be interested in participating in, please send an email to with a contact telephone number and who knows, you could end up on the gogglebox!! Harvey Goldsmith Presents… is a...
  10. Black Lagoon

    Fantastic news!

    I am so god damn happy, Joey is gone (again), and there is a possibility of the real 'classic' line-up getting back together!! Can life get any better?! Bring it on!!:rock::rock::rock:
  11. Black Lagoon

    If you want a good night out......

    ...go and see Viking Skull on there UK tour, or when they support Wednesday 13 on his. What the Darkness are to Glam Rock, these are to Heavy Metal. Go and see them if you can, they are a brilliant live band, and like Saxon they have got a sense of humour and a sense of enjoyment about what they...
  12. Black Lagoon

    Friday Afternoon joke....a bit early!

    Seeing I've got tomorrow off to go and see Blaze, here's the friday afternoon joke, a bit early! The Bike Joe wanted to buy a motorbike. He doesn't have much luck until, one day, he comes across a Harley with a for sale sign on it. The bike seems even better than a new one, although it is 10...
  13. Black Lagoon

    The Friday Joke!

    What did Jesus say to his disiples when he was being nailed to the cross? Don't f*ckin' touch my Easter eggs, I'll be back on Sunday!
  14. Black Lagoon


    Hi all, Long time no speak. Just to let you know that I am still alive and well. The reason why I ain't been around is my work has put a fun filter on the internet and I can no longer access the message board. As I only have access at work I'm buggered as well as bored now! Hope you are...
  15. Black Lagoon

    An old school weekend

    What a great weekend of old school. Friday night I went to Plymouth Pavillions and saw Def Leppard and they were bloody excellent. Yeah they never played anything from On through the Night or High and Dry (bastards!), but the were still damn good. A great opening duo of Action and Rock, Rock...
  16. Black Lagoon

    An old school weekend

    What a great weekend of old school. Friday night I went to Plymouth Pavillions and saw Def Leppard and they were bloody excellent. Yeah they never played anything from On through the Night or High and Dry (bastards!), but the were still damn good. A great opening duo of Action and Rock, Rock...
  17. Black Lagoon

    How would you feel if.....

    ....Fish was given a slot on the bill? Personally I like Fish and especially loved the all the Marillion stuff he did. I know it's not metal, but for me it is similar in style at times to Saracen, who I enjoyed this year and seemed to go down pretty well. As a live act Fish has always kicked...
  18. Black Lagoon

    Got your ticket yet?

    Ordered mine today. I enjoyed this year so much I don't even care if the line up is all cheesy power metal as it's just a damn good weekend, and there are always some great unsigned bands there.
  19. Black Lagoon

    Bloodstock Review in Terrorisor

    There's a nice two page Bloodstock review in this months Terrorizer if you want to check it out. Basically it reviews all the bands apart from Mercury Rain and 5th Man Down that played the main stage. I think everyone gets a good review in some form or other, even Nightwish who the writer...
  20. Black Lagoon

    Whats your top 5 albums so far this year?

    I'll go for. 1. Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion 2. Blaze - As Live as it Gets 3. Masterplan - Masterplan 4. Anthrax - We've come for you All 5. Seven Witches - Passage to the other Side bound to have forgotten a few though!