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  1. NoLimit

    Recommend Finnish music

    Hey guys, was wondering if y'all could recommend some other great bands from Finland. Not necessarily metal either. I have these Finnish bands on heavy rotation: COB Kalmah Mors Principium Est Sonata Arctica HIM Ensiferum Moonsorrow Norther Wintersun Skyfire Imperanon just...
  2. NoLimit

    Did anyone find otu what happened to Alexi's old jacksons?

    i understand they were stolen before he went to ESP... did those guitars ever turn up? no serial numbers were kept? i'd sure like to see one. and of course see that it finds its way back in his hands, if it hasn't already after all, i love my vintage jacksons dearly ;)
  3. NoLimit

    my thoughts about COB (ramblings from some dude)

    well, today was my birthday. I turned 35. I'm a guitar player... since i was about 12. I picked up the guitar when I saw Slash on MTV and I loved(still do) GnR. I grew up in Southern California, and basically my musical projects were trendy from metal to punk, then to ska/reggae. Studied...
  4. NoLimit

    halo of blood - sounds like the old stuff?

    i say no. in fact, i prefer RRF. Seems like the 'it sounds like hatebreeder' stuff was hype or something. I mean its a great record of course, because COB is the shit. But doesn't sound like the old stuff really at all to me