Search results

  1. Carpe Mortem

    Bands with Narratives

    I'm giving Ghost a better college try, never disliked them but never made the effort either and I'm enjoying myself. They have this series of shorts about the 'character(s)' which I've been digging, and I've always been a fan of that kind of thing. So drop your story driven / RPGing bands...
  2. Carpe Mortem

    Italian Psychedelic Metal

    I've long contended that wops make the best psychedelic metal. Change my mind or post favorites. This is more rocky but then again psychedelic is iffy in that regard.
  3. Carpe Mortem

    GMD Metal RPG

    Just trying to gauge interest level before I whip something up, I think I tried this a few years ago and people weren't into it. Anyways, as stated in the title. I've been feeling the RPG itch and doing a play-by-post style is a wonderfully non-committal way to scratch it. People can drop in or...
  4. Carpe Mortem

    Frequent use of Sitar

    Any great Indian themed metal bands? Nothing kitschy though. I want the sitar player to actually know how to play sitar, not just some dude shredding the instrument like a retard. And I mean heavy usage, not just some random couple bars for flavor.
  5. Carpe Mortem

    Best 'Summer' Metal

    It's weird how certain shit stays plugged in your mind. CIG and myself had an extremely brief conversation about good tunes for warm days in the sun and I've been thinking about it a lot. I go stoner for sure, what do y'all think? I hit the limit for choices so go other if necessary and...
  6. Carpe Mortem

    Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

    Same rules as themed mixtape game, aside from one crucial thing: Instead of a theme, each round will be a judgement of songs whose titles contain a SPECIFIC WORD. If you wanna play, send a song to the game master satisfying the keyword. There is limit of 15 contestants per game, first to...
  7. Carpe Mortem

    Themed Mixtape Game

    Every week or so shall be a theme. If you wanna play, send a song to the game master which satisfies that theme. However you see fit. Game master posts the songs, anonymously. Everyone who has played rates the songs 1-10 for how well they fit the theme, and how good the song actually is. Review...
  8. Carpe Mortem

    Successful Gender-Reversal Clone Bands

    Super specific request per usual. I was listening to this band, which is pretty much a chick version of Alice in Chains: And damn fucking good IMO. Any other interesting acts out there where they have opposite-gendered vocals and ape the style of someone more well-known?
  9. Carpe Mortem

    Bands with Specific Gear

    Some of you musicians probably have more specific and educated requests than I, but anyways. Trying to find bands with a similar guitar setup as Bruce Franklin in early Trouble, Geezer Butler's bass on Paranoid, and vocals that aren't screams. I'll give you... smiley faces. If you know of...
  10. Carpe Mortem

    Songs titled '______ God'

    Just a weird playlist idea that popped into my head. Fill the blank with something drug or inebriation-related. Or just dead/emotionless related, but please don't cop out with a song title like 'dead god' because there's probably thousands of them. Examples:
  11. Carpe Mortem

    Songs to Learn Utilizing lots of Slide?

    Just got a Gretsch resonator, my first guitar and only I've ever wanted. I've been learning the intro acoustic of Orange Goblin's 'Beginner's Guide to Suicide' and surprisingly am taking to this shit like a duck to water! I've always loved the slide sound, and I'm having a great time playing it...
  12. Carpe Mortem

    A Dumb 'Post Your' Thread

    I enjoy mindless simple threads that anyone can contribute to in less than 60 seconds. So here's how it works... Person A gives you a letter/character, a number, then 'song', 'artist', or 'album'. Person B looks at their music collection and posts that information, then sets forth similar...
  13. Carpe Mortem

    Terrible Songs You Enjoy Playing/Singing

    Not to be confused with terrible songs you enjoy listening to. I'm talking about shit that's just so distasteful, you'd almost rather not hear it... But its so fucking fun to nerd out and play or sing. Sometimes the radio plays shit, and sometimes you deal with it, and sing or play because...
  14. Carpe Mortem

    Metal Preference Influenced by Location?

    Kinda curious, I've noticed some patterns. A big one is that a lot more Cali people are grind fans than other areas, and city folk tend to be kinda thrashy. Maybe its all in my head or maybe its obvious, but if you wanna post your favorite subgenre (get nerdy as fuck with that, contributes to a...
  15. Carpe Mortem

    Funky Metal?

    Something CLOSE to the psychadelic doom stuff, but with way more psychadelic funk thrown in there over thudding, trve drums and riffs. Bass definitely needs to be funky as fuck and vocals a super blistering clean a la Orange Goblin, something really manly. Recommend specific albums, please.
  16. Carpe Mortem

    Thrashened traditional doom?

    Just curious if that's a thing, and what it would sound like. Preferably not juxtaposed, kinda cheap IMO, something more along the lines of two different sounds layered.
  17. Carpe Mortem

    Bands like Lord Mantis

    I checked out what had to offer for similar artists and haven't really found what I'm looking for. Specifically I dig their vocalist a lot, so looking for something with super similarity there because I'm picky, and the sludginess of the instruments. Rec me music of trudging through...
  18. Carpe Mortem

    Trouble covers In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

    Its a one off live performance, that's all the information I have. It has been on YouTube at some point. Help?
  19. Carpe Mortem

    The Invented Genre Game

    Premise is simple, post a song fulfilling the subgenre the person before you posted then present your own for fulfillment. Have fun with it, the more ridiculous the better. Just, you know... Don't like ruin the game with something impossible. Post a song of the 'blackened sludge folk' variety.
  20. Carpe Mortem

    Audio/Movie Samples in Music

    Thought this might be convenient, after finally looking up Electric Wizard's infamous 'one is death and the other is mental institutions' sample. Http:// Any not listed? Or any good non-metal ones too, really...