Search results

  1. H-evolve

    Looking for drumming services

    Hi, We're a Melo Death band from Montreal, Canada. We are having serious issues finding a good drummer and we're at a point where we just accepted it wouldn't happen for our first album, which we'll be recording this winter. So, I'm looking for someone who would be interested in recording...
  2. H-evolve

    BareKnuckle aftermath help

    Hey all, I have some problem with my Ibanez that has BareKnuckle Aftermaths. I just can't setup the height to anything good sounding (enough attack and output) without having a serious feedback problem. I play on an ENGL Savage, which has a Ibanez Tubescream in front. When using my LTD, which...
  3. H-evolve

    Bass tone on a Jaguar type bass help.

    Disclaimer : I'm not a bassist! I own a bass and use it purely to create demos. Therefore, bass tone isn't all that critical, but as most of us here I don't necessarily want it to sound too bad either The issue that I have is as follows I only own a cheap Fender Squier Jaguar bass. I find...
  4. H-evolve

    New album from Psycroptic is great

    Thought I'd mention it for whoever is wondering what to listen to today. For some reason, I loved the early stuff from Psycroptic, but the last few albums were never getting my attention all that much. I can't put the finger on what they did exactly with this one, but it is truly great. I feel...
  5. H-evolve

    400$ Guitar with 300$ worth of new picks or 700$ guitar?

    I've always wondered if it's not better to buy a cheaper guitar and put awesome pickups in it, or just buy the more expensive one. For example, that dilemma came as I was looking at Jackson Kelly guitars. I was thinking on buying a cheaper JS version (400 CAD) and put Seymour Duncan Pegasus and...
  6. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    I came to a realization recently that tuning of your guitar is probably overlooked. I mean, when listening to productions that I find "so great" versus others that I find "ok", I realize that in the "great" productions, the guitars seem, at least to my ears, so freaking perfectly in tune...
  7. H-evolve

    H&K Small Amps opinions?

    Was wondering if anyone here had a good experience with them. I was able to try a H&K Granmeister Deluxe 40, but it wasn't in a great cab and I didn't have a lot of time to fiddle with the settings. Therefore, after my quick test, I thought it wasn't great. The gain sound was weird with the...
  8. H-evolve

    Your suggestion of effect pedal for solos

    Hey everyone, The good old post about "what gear do you recommend for..." I've always had a really simple pedalboard (tuner - ovedrive - noise gate) and I would like to add some FX for my solos. I was aiming for both a reverb and a delay (analog delay that is, not digital), but to be honest...
  9. H-evolve

    Cheap alternative to MD421

    What are your suggestions for a cheap alternative to the MD421, but for guitar? I've looked around the forum, but found suggestions for toms. You know, the usual combination SM57 + MD421 for guitars. is there a mic you'd say as a similar tonal character (supposing this is an expression that...
  10. H-evolve

    Jim Dunlop Flow pick: for shredders

    I tried the new FLOW picks, by Dunlop. I'm saying "new", though I don't know how new they really are. Just saw the video from Andy James and John Petrucci saying how cool they are, bla bla bla. For whoever shreds, I admit they are really cool. Their shape makes them "roll" on the string. It...
  11. H-evolve

    Anybody shopped on Andy James Academy website?

    Was hoping to know if I'm just the exception or something, see below my current issue: I just ordered guitar picks from Andy James. Him and John Petrucci released signature "Flow" picks with Jim Dunlop and I wanted to try some. They were difficult to find, as they were back order on most sites...
  12. H-evolve

    Help me help my singer

    People might have seen some posts about me looking for a vocalist for our melo death project. It was not easy to find someone, and though we have found someone with some potential, there are things that require work. I'm not a vocalist, so I thought some people here that are either vocalists, or...
  13. H-evolve

    Understanding signal strength

    I think I am confusing things when it comes to signal strength, especially when it comes to DI signals, say, of a guitar recorded directly in the interface. First off, though I'm neither an audio engineer, nor an electrical engineer (I'm a mechanical engineer :(... ), I still think I remember...
  14. H-evolve

    Beginner question on loudness during mastering

    Hi, I've never quite understood how to precisely get the loudness when mastering a song. Let me explain my process and you'll probably get what I do wrong, miss, or misunderstand: - I mix my songs so that everything sounds as good as I can, with the "relative" levels between instruments being...
  15. H-evolve

    Anyone tried Positive Grid 2?

    Was just wondering if some people tried it. In my opinion, and in the opinion of many others around here, Positive Grid 1 was "meh" at best. Some of the features it has are nice, but the sound coming out of it wasn't great... Was therefore wondering if the 2 is an improvement? I think they...
  16. H-evolve

    Help on solving feedback problem

    I just got a new 7 string guitar Iron Label Ibanez with Bareknuckle Aftermath pickups. Sent it to my guitar tech right as I bought it, thinking I'd rather first play with it when it's set up to my favorite settings Meaning today was the first time playing it. Sounds great and everything but...
  17. H-evolve

    TH Overloud giveaway

    I got an email from Overloud and they are giving away 1000 per day of their 550 EQ plugins. I downloaded it and it really seems to be a real thing. I have the Authorization key and everything works. It's their Gem EQ550. No idea how good it is and if it's really...
  18. H-evolve

    Trends or ...?

    I don't quite understand how gear advertising and/or reviewing and/or demo'ing etc... work these days. I look around the internet and in the guitar industry, it's as if, every 6 months, there is only ONE PRODUCT that everybody talks about... On a 6 months cycle or something. Is this some kind...
  19. H-evolve

    How do you store your guitars

    I'm sure many of us here have more than one guitar. And there is probably one or two guitars that you play less. Or at a minimum, even if you have 4 guitar, and even if you use them equally, that means each of them isn't used 75% of the time. Therefore, I was wondering, when it comes to...
  20. H-evolve

    Looking for a Drummer in the Montreal area

    Hi everyone, I'm not usually posting in the Amon Amarth forum, but I thought I would, for reasons explained below. We're starting a metal band in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada area. As a matter of fact, we've been working on some material for a long time and will soon start recording a demo...